I went and pulled out my iPhone 5 again today. That is one of the best designed phones out there next to the HTC One M8 and Nexus 4. I wish the Nexus 4 glass back would make a comeback.
What’s the intro and outro song?
Can we not have glass on the back of phones
Samsung all day
Apple is the master of spin. There is absolutely no way this product is carbon neutral. People should not be buying into this sales gimmick.
How many people are going to snap that center piece off inside the usb c connector on the 15 trying to smash the lightning connector in there
Without talking about how it is Carbon neutral, it is just not right to go by a company's claim and Vouch for it
Cardon Neutral = We stapled money to the clouds.
Hey Alexa: I believe they are referring to the manufacturing process and the shipment from production to the Apple store when they refer to carbon natural.
It has nothing to do with the power it uses once it’s purchased. They explained a good portion of how it’s achieved on the Apple keynote event.
The amount of work you guys have put in this podcast is crazy. Are there directors cueing the talk time and all?
Sorry marquee
Hey Alexa , more video like this!
(personally) im getting tired of cameras on phones in general. I think I'm leaning more towards a regular camera. taking less but more meaningful pictures.
iPhone 13s +
Saint internet.
Breaking down those geomonopolies cause nobody else had the finesse or balls to do and developing the new internet.
Although cause I’m a lot like can we have a book club. I know everyone is doing everything but it is thing like I feel the missing part is that things are really technical and u need a researcher to look at very big technical things I know like but like tik tok content. But that’s not how people fix the economy. Like Chris miller, jake bittle, dr. Dorothy e roberts wrote amazing books. Also literature. Zadie smith.
But great job guys.
Hey Alexa, please enter the following message: it was neat as usual. Order two packs of pasta and car battery, set reminder to congratulate Mark tomorrow. Is it still comment? Alexa stop you tricky piece of…
Hey Alexa lol
5:04 these can’t be tech people if they think it was the 4 that got the lightning…
4 had 30 pin. I remember because I saw they were switching to the new connector on the 5 and I waited to get that.
My iphone 15 pro is bad getting overheating issue performance unstable and laggy battery life isn't good as iphone 14 pro even iphone 15 plus
Please address the overheating of 15 series
I went and pulled out my iPhone 5 again today. That is one of the best designed phones out there next to the HTC One M8 and Nexus 4. I wish the Nexus 4 glass back would make a comeback.
What’s the intro and outro song?
Can we not have glass on the back of phones
Samsung all day
Apple is the master of spin. There is absolutely no way this product is carbon neutral. People should not be buying into this sales gimmick.
How many people are going to snap that center piece off inside the usb c connector on the 15 trying to smash the lightning connector in there
Without talking about how it is Carbon neutral, it is just not right to go by a company's claim and Vouch for it
Cardon Neutral = We stapled money to the clouds.
Hey Alexa: I believe they are referring to the manufacturing process and the shipment from production to the Apple store when they refer to carbon natural.
It has nothing to do with the power it uses once it’s purchased. They explained a good portion of how it’s achieved on the Apple keynote event.
The amount of work you guys have put in this podcast is crazy. Are there directors cueing the talk time and all?
Sorry marquee
Hey Alexa , more video like this!
(personally) im getting tired of cameras on phones in general. I think I'm leaning more towards a regular camera. taking less but more meaningful pictures.
iPhone 13s +
Saint internet.
Breaking down those geomonopolies cause nobody else had the finesse or balls to do and developing the new internet.
Although cause I’m a lot like can we have a book club. I know everyone is doing everything but it is thing like I feel the missing part is that things are really technical and u need a researcher to look at very big technical things I know like but like tik tok content. But that’s not how people fix the economy. Like Chris miller, jake bittle, dr. Dorothy e roberts wrote amazing books. Also literature. Zadie smith.
But great job guys.
Hey Alexa, please enter the following message: it was neat as usual. Order two packs of pasta and car battery, set reminder to congratulate Mark tomorrow.
Is it still comment? Alexa stop you tricky piece of…
Hey Alexa lol
5:04 these can’t be tech people if they think it was the 4 that got the lightning…
4 had 30 pin. I remember because I saw they were switching to the new connector on the 5 and I waited to get that.
My iphone 15 pro is bad getting overheating issue performance unstable and laggy battery life isn't good as iphone 14 pro even iphone 15 plus