iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra are the two best smartphones money can buy in 2023. But in my opinion, …
iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra are the two best smartphones money can buy in 2023. But in my opinion, …
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I bought an S23 ultra for the camera, but the user interface & ease of use made it a natural extension of my brain.
I forget I'm on it. The functioning is so smooth. I was 3 yrs into my Note20 ultra before i upgraded. Kept both phones. But S23 quickly became my favorite. I do like the way Note20 feels in your hand without a case. Thin and light. S23 is so immersing i forget about the feel of it and keep it in a case. It's a little thicker but not an issue. It's a great phone.
At least with Apple you can play console games and take advantage of the raytracing

Samsung was taking big mouth about there Exynos 2200 that also did support raytracing but how many games in the play store or galaxy store support raytracing
It's so perfect that s24 will face low sells for this
S pen

Thanks, now im hopping to get my hand on the S23 ultra very soon
Hmmm, I love Android but this echo chamber here makes me want to vomit. Need a bit more objectivity in the vids.
Did i just hear the voice of God aka Ozzy Osbourne?
hahah joke off the day
1:50 no its not weird, they just lie again
#iphoneeee Choose a sophisticated iphone to make your every day stylish and glamorous.
Samsung videos recording is dog shit prepared to iPhone
Apple doesn’t compete with Samsung, no one else makes iOS except Apple. Android phones compete with each other!
I don't think apple will ever have an F-droid equivalent in the next 10 years.
DEX is windows only which is terrible. I stopped using windows ages ago. AI photo enhancer also really sucks. I want a good original photo I can enhance on my own and S23 isn't doing that for me. I don't want to always take RAW photos to accomplish this
So the biggest selling point for iPhone 12s++++ aks iphone 15 is USB-C which was actually forced by EU for them to adopt. Loved watching your video on my S23 Ultra.
A17 processor is King. iPhone Master Race.
8GB iOS RAM is equivalent to 16 GB RAM ANDROID
iPhone >
S23 ultra a good device BUT still not smooth many microlags and bugs. I used it for 3 months now and must say despite loving the camera I do am happy to get my hands on the pro max on friday. Buttery smooth software will be a welcome change. (I will keep both around.)
What game is it at 2:08
Tere is the elefant in the room: biometrics. We constantly Trust our phones with more data. Should we trust the fingerprint sensor more than faceid?