Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Starfield IGN reviews On this Asmongold Clips Youtube Channel you’ll never quit …
Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: Starfield IGN reviews On this Asmongold Clips Youtube Channel you’ll never quit …
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i mean its on pc game pass so I''ll give it a go.
its a shit game, i refunded the Eaely access. its a loading screen and menu clicking sim with horrible ai and 2017 tier graphics , struggling to run on my rtx 3080 at 1080p ultra.
Space Groomers
it's honestly a shit game

I really like it so far! Is anyone else enjoying it?
gotta love review inflation where 7s are treated as 4s
The USA review was actually the most accurate. 7/10 is generous. Everything else being 8 or 9/10 is ridiculous pandering.
I agree with IGN, after playing the early access for thirty minutes and realizing it’s just a loading screen simulator and the ship instance and planets are just a window for fast travel was enough to make me refund my premium upgrade
Considering that this is a Bethesda game and how the reviews and player experience was with their previous games I see a lot of people with a rather mixed opinion on Starfield. And I think that is warranted when you consider what kind of formula Bethesda used in the past, like with Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3/4 etc. and what Starfield does. What most people criticise is the way the loading screen is a constant factor in the game. It's even debatable what ever if Starfield is an "open" world game or more a game that's just loading instances. Previous Bethesda games, like Skyrim for example offered a big large map where you move from one corner of the world the other without interruptions really. Outside of entering buildings and dungeons. So yeah. I think a lot of people just expected a bit different from Behtesda here particulary when consider their marketing which was always kinda ambigious about the exploration aspect. It seems that Starfield is also just a rather mediocre experience in most aspects. From the world, the story, the fighting and looks. It's not terrible. But it's also not really outsanding either. We will see a lot more critical reviews and opinions once the honeymoon phase is over I think and the paint of illusion that Bethesda creates with their games is starting to wear off.
Ign us fucks up again. Whats to expect
I'm seeing people attack the 7/10 review knowing damn well all the 10/10 reviews are bogus if they got past the character creator.
looks like bought reviews for sure, i mean the game is decent but no way it's 10/10, hell not even 9/10 like most of these sites are showing. I would give it a 6 or 7 at best, at least in the current state. Once bugs are ironed out and mods do their work it may get better
IGN US has it right
whats the track playing at 4seconds in, its killing me that i cant remember and i feel like i should. Enderal? not enderal? idk
i think ign review was based, maybe with mods its an 8 out of 10
Rare ign w
Starfield is super fun, so either IGN US is either dumb or spoiled
10 year old game with new graphics and a reskin…this will get goty awards. ppl love stagnation it seems.
they are right though. This game should not have such quick travel mechanic in which they let you teleport literally from planet to planet even without boarding your ship
y’all really expecting something beyond point to point travel with grav drives or chemical propulsion. the boundary controversy you say, well how many of you run in a straight line trying to wrap a planet? barren planets? guess what; most of the observable universe is boring lifeless hunks of rock
What the fuck is this timeline, I always hated ign truly I did… But I agree with them… Like entirely, surprising still is the fact its the USA branch… What time to be alive
100/10 lol
Bethesda forgot to send IGN USA their shill paycheck. Even with all the valid criticisms of this game, any review lower than an 8 should not be taken seriously.
7/10 review was valid. People are on copium right now. I think it’s an average game. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’s just not great. Do I enjoy myself? Sure. But it’s not blowing my mind or setting new standards for the industry. It does not deserve a 9/10 or a 10/10.
Am I the only who doesn’t care about features but rather the story and the enjoyment of being able to play a new IP with the roots of fallout
I've been watching someone stream it all day, it's super boring. And I enjoy playing point and click adventure games. lol
(Caveat) It would have been difficult to have that much curated content and AI on deck to load when you're near a planet. That was how Mass Effect had it, so it shouldn't be a big deal.
However, considering Todd Howard's games focus on immersion and sandbox, there is a lot of pressing forward and fast traveling in Starfield. A LOT. When I'm not running from one place to another, it's a good game. But I didn't realize how nice a game without load screens was until this game came out.