Explore the vast open world of Crimson Desert in this latest trailer for the upcoming action-adventure game from developer Pearl …
Explore the vast open world of Crimson Desert in this latest trailer for the upcoming action-adventure game from developer Pearl …
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Breath of the Ghost of the Creed would have been a catchier name.
so its another BDO
A Barracuda in a creek?
Looks interesting though.
Dragons Dogma magic and combat system mixed with RDR2 massive exploration and details
Red Dead Witcher: Elden Assassin
Kingdom Creed: Infamous San Andreas
Where's Yennefer
Can’t wait to see all the glitches it will bring
Devs: "What elements of open world gameplay would you like to include in this game?"
Publisher: "Yes"
Basically Ac valhalla+ ghost of tsushima
Oh yes, fishing! That is the kind of stuff to put in a trailer, because no game has done this before
Those dark corners look weird
Single player, honestly the story better be banging or this is going to flop hard.
looks like witcher 3 and elden ring collaborated
A fusion of Red Dead Redemption 2 and AC: Valhalla.
This is going to be either fantastic game or unimaginable compote of different game mechanics that do not go together very well.
Nintendo is ganna have a field day figuring out how to sue after those “islands in the sky”
Tell me this is not an mmo please
the witcher's creed of redemption , shadows die twice.
The Korean Witcher
Well looks like we've got a Goat game here hopefully
Assassins creed, the witcher, ghost in tsushimas = crimson desert
GTA im Mittelalter wie ich es sehe, das sollte lustig werden
The fishing mechanic looks pretty solid.
Looks like Witcher meets Breath Of The Wild.
online mmorpg was cool
What is so amazing about the game, please someone explain.
It just looks like another cookie cutter open world rpg, just asianified with flashy fx and "everyoneisasupermodel" look. It looks so artificial, honestly this is just a korean AC game.
Valhalla and the Witcher mix?
black desert online soloplayer ?
1:00 it already has a spiderman skin for the shield
wtf even is this game? Every 5 seconds it got and more wild hahahaha. Looks very interesting.
Remember DokeV, guys? That beautifuly stylish cartoony open-world game announced in 2021, with lenghty gameplay footage, never to be heard of again? Same company! As we say in Brazil, "The scam is there. Believe it if you want to!".