In today’s Daily Fix: Starfield isn’t even out yet and it’s already stirring up drama. Gameplay reportedly featuring a ‘Boundary …
In today’s Daily Fix: Starfield isn’t even out yet and it’s already stirring up drama. Gameplay reportedly featuring a ‘Boundary …
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Want no boundaries? Play No Man Sky. See how "fun" it is to walk in the same direct for an hour and see very little change.
"Unparalleled freedom and over 1000 planets to explore" Todd said, lol
Listen mate…Starfield will be the biggest flop in history.
Simpler explanation – "Old Xbox hardware really limited what we could do with this game". Seriously, let last gen go completely. Move on. Tough. New hardware or don't bother, really sick of gaming being held back by last gen. Map walls, not being able to fly in to space, all scream hardware limitations.
The leaks are showing the reality already, and Todd yet again has lied through his teeth. The playable areas are small, empty of enemies to fight, it's all concentrated around key points of interest. No reason to explore. Massive graphical downgrade on the old Xbox.
Starfield and star citizen not same huh?
Why is IGN even reporting this? The game is still under embargo so IGN is basically breaking NDA to score some points with the Sony crowd who are manufacturing this fake drama. Until reviews are out and we play it for ourselves, we don't know. Even if it turns out that you can't walk in a straight line to explore an entire planet on foot – who tf wants to do that? That is the most boring and unrealistic way to play this game imaginable 🤣
Shitbox getting rid of the trial shows how greedy and pathetic they are. It’s ok for people to try other games and keep stacking up gamepass playing other developers’ games but we won’t allow it for the first giant turd we’ve done in over 10 years! Shitfield!
There is no drama with horizon zero dawn,tsushima,uncharted,days gone…come on guys. Don't be this pathetic!!
Well maybe if companies wouldn't lie to get customers to purchase unfinished games? We wouldn't have drama. It's that simple IGN. 😒
In other words, we were lied to again.
It's expected of Treacherous Howard.
Oh no ign has to chime in lol gaming is dead
and quote
Dare da kono host?
Everything about starfield is either fade to black or a menu.
It's obvious todd lied about this game
Isn’t the lowest offer $10!for gamepass
Sweet little lies
"drama" . . . only if you're a no-life moron.
Ain’t touching this till there’s a 60fps patch.
This dude is so NO as a host it’s physically uncomfortable
😂 people today are messed up 😂 you all don't deserve nice things
TL:DR version
Starfield planets might not be as big as people want
$1 GamePass trial is gone
Nintendo announces new Nintendo direct focusing on super mario bros wonder
Let's not forget Fallout 76
Another masked BIAS video. Don’t you guys own a Xbox ?
It's almost as if Starfield is meant to be an RPG in a space setting and not a space simulator!
Who cares if you agree. It's a lie, end of story.
Sweet little lies just work 🌌💟
At this point publishers might opt for always online release because of these leaks
These are exciting time to be a gamer – that's for sure! 😁
That’s crazy Xbox literally get picked on for every little thing 😕
Bethesda been lying since Skyrim and you manchildren still believe them
Wouldn't be totally surprised if the boundary thing is real, but it also wouldn't be the first "leak" that goes counter to what real people are saying.
This is modern day gaming media… 4 Karen’s crying on the internet and it becomes news because the word Starfield is in it.
IGN is literally a Playstation damage control media publication
Starfield would be treated like Gods Gift if it launched exclusively on PS5 😆
Now does this apply to hand craft planets that the main story in are they also tiles by tiles or open planet no boundries ?
100% reasonable for them to pull the one dollar for a month offer, since everybody and their mothers know this will be misused by a lot of people just to get to play the game for a month.
Bethesda lied?!!!!
Keren bro aku menikmati sukses terus amin.
$16.99 is the highest tear on offer at gamepass not the lowest. $16.99 for ultimate, $10.99 for console and $9.99 for PC
People will NEVER learn from Todd's lies, lmao
Not sure why he said "10 minutes" the leaker said he ran in one direction for about 35 – 40 minutes before getting that message, which is roughly the same time it takes to run across Skyrims map
Where does IGN find these hosts, in Hot Topic at some mall in Florida?
Todd howard said the planet s would be divided in sections limited around by how far you wander from your ship. So now you are mad because you cant understand words spoken by the developer
Thats more a you problen than a them problem. Maybe learn english. 0:11
Who cares. Every single game has an invisible boundary other than no man’s sky. All the halos, Spider-Man, gears of war, fables, call of duty, dragon age, the Witcher, fallouts, diablos, elden rings, final fantasy. The list goes on. Walking 40 minutes in one direction is boring. People are just mad these days and want to complain. Normal people don’t have the time to spend 8 hours a day playing video games. Most people will work during the day, then play a few hours at night. This is nonsense!