Introducing New Arc Line, a new fantasy steampunk CRPG in which you play an immigrant to the bustling city of New Arc and find …
Introducing New Arc Line, a new fantasy steampunk CRPG in which you play an immigrant to the bustling city of New Arc and find …
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This is a game, 0:17 the hood did not load. We are waiting for 2024!)
… this is Columbia. this is just the flying “utopia” of Columbia.
New Baldur Gate looks boring
looks very polished
BioShock infinite 2?
Супер очень жду
jesus we really are in a crpg renaissance arent we?
Its new Arcanum? please, let it be a new Arcanum, but in terms of scale, like Baldur's gate 3
Name of the song?
Что за трек на фоне?
Arcanum is that you?
pretty nice, love the logo
Шматок гівна
So the effects of Baulders Gate has started.
Looks very interesting and beautiful ! I'm waiting
Реально вайб Арканума(Стимпанк, который мы заслужили)
Publisher – Russians. Thanks, but no!
anyone can tell me the bgm?
dam looked cool and been wanting a steampunk game, but the top down turnbased aint it for me
So tired of these scammy trailers
This looks to be a total ripoff of Bioshock assets and IP
Ei… beautiful , Very trauker
Arcanum in 2024? Take my salary
круто, чекатиму на реліз.
Також цікаво яка буде бойова система
Looks nice. It being top down killed it for me though
New Arc Line.
Was interested by the Dishonored/Bioshock vibes, but finding out it's a turn based CRPG means I'm going to pass.
Виглядає багатообіцяюче, чекаємо)
Got a bit of Bioshock, a bit of Dishonoured. Could be interesting.
Welcome to Newark, a place where all your dreams will come true.