Check out the fun new Mortal Kombat 1 trailer featuring star Dave Bautista. Mortal Kombat 1 will be available on PlayStation 5, …
Check out the fun new Mortal Kombat 1 trailer featuring star Dave Bautista. Mortal Kombat 1 will be available on PlayStation 5, …
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Brb just need to go listen to the original banger of a theme
Surprised it wasn't a blood bath in the streets lol
Mortal kombat is a legacy
Well, I’m buying it
giger kinda cute doe
No f*cking lie… that Batista "MORTAL Kombat gave me chills… And the rest of the commercial there after… So Sick!
Look! That bridge from GTA V!
Dave Vs John one more time lol
Man, this is real '90's video game commercial energy right here.
thought dave was gonna turn into baraka
Just make a mortal kombat universe online like dc universe but better already
Imagine Disney remaking the MK movie and making Batista Jax!!!
They should of gotten the original kid from the first commercial in the 90s
1:01 No es ese el del grito original?
The music is cool but the idea is wtf. Gamers are normal people, not on drug T_T
Drax joining mortal kombat now?
I’m done
It's either you love it or hate it. There's no in between.
im just hype about Bautista with hair. jk but this game is gonna be sick fr
This better than 2021 movie version.
If you play as Dave he has active camo and when he knocks at the door, he brings the end of the world to his enemies.