Here’s your look at action-packed gameplay from Assassin’s Creed Jade in this trailer for the upcoming action-adventure mobile …
Here’s your look at action-packed gameplay from Assassin’s Creed Jade in this trailer for the upcoming action-adventure mobile …
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so the setting everybody has been begging for is made into a mobile game.
yeah i'll just stick with ghost of tsushima
Wtf was that ledge jump at 0:54 Almost no effort was put into this trailer
“Oh brother this game Stinks!”
This just shows the engine is so old it works on mobile
Unreal mobile game tho, 100/10
This is the most western looking china I've seen in a game
Cash grab
Ubisoft give up some great games like splinter cell and ghost recon. And they are killing ac with this mobile games
y'all are salty about it being a mobile game??? it looks (and might even run) better than the beloved ac games on ps3, so at least see the final product before whining about it smh. And even if it's not as "assassin-like" as the older games, it still looks closer to it than valhalla or odyssey anyways.
Why does this look like a reskin of the last 5 shitty AC games?
Just… why mobile
Mobile gaming has evolved.
Looks terrible
Bro Assassins were Iranian warriors why in China?

Assassin's creed series can tell you how to turn a diamond back to carbon
Someone posted the beta trailer
That looks exceedingly mediocre
cant describe how disappointing this is like not even a switch port just straight to the app store smh
No hidden blade? When does this game take place? Is this like Odyssey where it's before the Hidden Ones?
I'm confused. Is Mirage out, that theyre already bringing out another one?
console game please, not mobile game
is this a mobile game? It looks like that
They need to stop making Assassins Creed games, the first game and sequel was fine.
assasin creed in china settings ? ubisoft shame on you . this is not wukong creed . the series should be in persian or europe midevil
If you feel disappointed, the joke is on you all for keep trusting in Ubisoft.
… Time to buy a bluetooth joypad for my phone.
This game looks like it won't even fit on my phone, lmao.
Ps2 gamev?
We want codename red

so… tencent is now brings AAA games to mobile devices now?
since Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 out, tencent went hella crazy with their progress lmao
Wait so this is a mobile game? Was gonna say it looked like one
"No" -Kratos
No hidden blade?
Wat a wonderful way to shoot this series in the foot by making it a mobile game and making the assassin Caucasian. He should've been Asian. Smh
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By: Ubishit
0:39 What Creed?! Your game takes place 300-400 years before bayek was even born, much less found the brotherhood.
thought it was a fan made trailer…
What an rpg piece of crap they still using this mechanics…
This looks better than mirage lol