IGN Review Scores For Racing Games Make NO Sense

IGN Review Scores For Racing Games Make NO Sense

IGN is a major player in the game review scene. Despite that, they often fall under scrutiny by the gaming community for their …


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About the Author: DustinEden


  1. I expected this list to be bad, but holy shit. The fact that TDU 1 & 2 are not on this list is criminal. Also not a single GRID game.

    Imagine listening to IGN when it comes to games, or anything.

  2. what is with the dirt 4 diss lmao game has a very similar feel to the first dirt, more professional and less rockstar-festival-party thing

  3. This list is already criminal but the fact that some games are not included in the list that should definitely be in the top 100 in the list (as of you making this video) is just unbelievable, here are some of them: (I checked them just now and it has been on the list and idk why it didn’t appeared in yours when you checked them out lol)

    – Gran Turismo 4 (9.5)
    – Gran Turismo 1 (9.5)
    – Forza Motorsport (9.5)
    – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (9.3)
    – Forza Horizon 2 (9.0)
    – Forza Horizon (9.0)
    – Need For Speed Most Wanted (2012) (9.0)
    – Hot Wheels Unleashed (9.0)
    – Inertial Drift (9.0)
    – F1 2012 (9.0)
    – Mario Kart 7 (9.0)

    Also, The Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005 in the Top 100 list was actually the mobile game version. They have the audacity to give the console version an 8/10 lol

  4. Thank you checkered flag,at least forza 5 is not in the top,both forza motorsport and horizon 5 are terrible,this is the worst scores ever

  5. I used to play Stuntman Ignition and it wasn't very good to me until fewest years later then i started to like it more.

    I have PGR1 more recently for the xbox, i didn't like it much…

    I feel lile with FH4 they actually tried but then a little after FH5 they just decided the fans are useless if they don't pay up. AND I DOUBT THEY'LL EVER RELEASE AN FH1 OR FM4 RENASTER EITHER!

    Also a message to FH5 children out there: FH5 is a broken mess that somehow still attracts people somehow including me but this game likes to break unlike FH1-FH3 (maybe FH4 also). Example: if you start it up and spawn at the castle you might not be able to do anything but restart the game, or that the game bugs if you try a trail and press start for something. Or the game takes a looong time of synchring (does it even at all) when trying to play the game with the same account using a diffrent xbox.

  6. Why Daytona USA 2001 is so high? Even at the time it was criticized for not delivering a physics model similar to the arcade which was very satisfying to play. The only excuse is that for a long time it was the only "decent" way to play Daytona USA at home until the release of the remastered version for the 360 and PS3. Daytona USA is not awful but it is below to other Dreamcast racing games like Metropolis Street Racing, it just manages to be better than Sega GT bit it os a very low bar to reach

  7. 53:23 This might be controversial but I honestly preferred Motorsport 7 (after the updates that made the multiplayer on par with the earlier game) over Motorsport 6 due to the overall better handling model (as all cars did in 6 was understeer) and game feel, even if yes, what little personality was left in FM6 was absolutely gone by the latter title. It's mostly a case of it being a sequel which simply improves on what the last one had while adding more raw content in the form of tracks and cars.

  8. I love Forza Horizon 5 and Forza Horizon 3… 4 being better than 3 is bullshit but I love 3 and 5 equally. NFS Cabron and Pro Street sucked I don't know why you loved those too I worked on both and it was… very meh and lot of development issues.

  9. Forza horizon 5 is the only one in this list I agree with IGN. FH3 and 4 are solid too. All NFS games above pro street are below zero. Gran Turismo is not my type, don't really care if it didn't existed.

  10. Dustin id really REALLY recommend trying V-Rally 2 for Ps1, Pc version is…not that well given it cant run on Pc well.
    V-Rally 2 for ps1 tho is tricky to get running on emulators, so ya gotta play it via a ps3/4

  11. 34:44 It's not a prototype, it's a pre-production video, a concept so to speak, which outlines the developer's plan and vision for the project. The prototype of the second Blur has already been leaked on the net, and it looks different. I once did a review of the whole Blur series, and focused on the sequel. You should watch it, it has English subtitles.

  12. IGN is the definition where their rating is TOTAL ASS and they just being paid to review tons of shit games but never taking it deeply. Too many biased reviews and once they rating it, they just take whatever score seems fit but it doesnt reflect from what they said.

    Thats why almost everyone avoid IGN because they are complete garbage and compared to the other reviewers, they are on bottom ranks.

  13. OutRun 2 (or 2006 Coast 2 Coast) seems like the biggest omission to me, unless we're splitting hairs about what constitutes a "racing" game since the main mode was just racing against the clock (however several games that were on the list including Crazy Taxi were also "race against the clock" kind of games).

  14. I actually agree with the guy in the comments on Horizon 5 in a way. I play that game to chill and goof around, but that's all there really is to it. Definitely not a 10 though, I give it a 7.5 on my best days with it. If I want to play a game that has good racing and gives me a challenge I just play the old Gran Turismos. Horizon 3 was the best Horizon game, and I still go back to it now and again.

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