Is the BlackBerry ship finally sunk, or will someone snap it up? For more QuickRadar head here: http://goo.gl/FU9aFy Subscribe to …
Is the BlackBerry ship finally sunk, or will someone snap it up? For more QuickRadar head here: http://goo.gl/FU9aFy Subscribe to …
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Everyone should have bought the BlackBerry Z10, BlackBerry Q10, and BlackBerry Q5 in 2013 because BlackBerry should have made more money or extra money.
blackberry is the worst phone ever
I don't even consider them competition anymore, that's how bad they got.
if the blackberry is "dead" why is the phones so popular in the uk? everywhere you go you see those blasted things on the bus
yup, blackberry suck. it's overpriced, and bb10 is more more laggy than android. i have z10 before. but after a month, i sell that phone and change to lumia -.-
Lets face it: BlackBerrys software got around 2% market share in the smartphone market…
That is less then Windows Phone which most people think of as trash…
Less competition makes you happy?
"BlackBerry shower"
Try the Z10/Q10. What do you have to lose? Well other than $500. But seriously BB10 Is leaps more advanced than the 9900.
i dont understand how everyone is quick to hate on BlackBerry, even those people who has never owned one. Whats this? follow the crowd? Why cant people see that the more tech companies out there, the more options for consumers. Try something before you hate on it. the z10 is a very good phone.
They sound alot like thouse guys in the YouTube film "clear skies" based on the game "eve online".
Haha I love these videos… I have no idea how apple did it but they hit the mark with the iphone. They took some great ideas, perfected them and put them together. Anything else just became clunky and stupid. Blackberry today for me is just clunky and stupid. They had some cool smartphones back then, with scrolly wheels and touchy squares, but it's was just a hard way of doing what iPhone did and androids do today
It is over
My last BlackBerry will be the 9900. RIP
BlackBerry is dead, and so is your grammar.
why? do you really are that dumb?
Less competition? They can't even compete with Windows Phone LOL
And sony don't forget sony
Blackberry is gonna die soon cuz Apple, Microsoft and Google keep beating it up;
I can see the RIM employees/stakeholders in the comment section
At the start he wasn't being pedantic he was being facetious…
BlackBerry is dead, and that makes me a happy guy.
R.i.p bb
Ahahah "blackberry shower"
Anyway BB10 is a super OS and everybody should try it out before talking. For sure better than iOS,no doubt faster than Android.
like quickradars
nokia lumia will win blackberry
Blackberry is dead
Why would anyone buy a Blackberry?