Watch the latest trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III ahead of the game’s launch on November 10, 2023. Call of Duty: …
Watch the latest trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III ahead of the game’s launch on November 10, 2023. Call of Duty: …
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Turner Assembly Line Mori Saki Davis CNC City
The Fear the Reaper cover makes this so much more badass for some reason.
How ironic just 2 days ago Destiny 2 The Light and Darkness Saga got major backlashes and now MW3 with the comments. Great job Bungie and Activision for all of the content you gave us.
“Gameplay trailer” shows no actual gameplay
It’s so dumb they made it full price when they said they weren’t making a new cod this year before
Uh showed nothing. Garbage game
Barely on season 5 of MW2 and already doing MW3 no wonder the games have been failing lately
“this cod will be a 2 year cod” smh
blue collar scammers
Not Gameplay. Just cutscenes
How we get mw2 on mw3
For the kids watching this, this is not gameplay footage, they are straight "CUTSCENES" dont get your hopes up
Track is – Tom Rhodes Don't Fear The Reaper don't thank guys))
Modern warfare 2.5
There is zero hype for this game and you can feel it in the trailers lmao
Not really gameplay
Remember no Russian
Whatever they've done here to Don't Fear the Reaper is criminal
F88K youre tier skins , dlcs , season passes and all other nonsense. Give US at least 15 hour story mode, not a freakn 5-7 hour story with multiplayer gameplay feature presentation /missions . And ones and for all GO ALL IN gunz blazing USA vs Russia or N.Korea vs USA or even China vs USA. Give us something real finally, real life history in it. Bored of these fake heroes and american clishe action movie super people. Can anyone from first person shooter studios around the world deliver us something like Brothers In Arms / or like ShellShock / or like COD – World At War, maybe World At War 2 hmmm?!? Yes Activision?!
The last 3 campaigns should be available in gamepass without the multiplayer or warzone.
One and a half stars out 4 already and over 4000 reviews on Xbox I’m so excited for this game
Don't support.
Is that Lewis Hamilton in the thumbnail?
Where's the gameplay???
forgot its been a year
Everyone trashing on this in the comments, but it's going to sell like crazy
Soap looks like such a dunce compared to the original MW2 and MW3
Don’t care
Lemme guess we’re gonna have a super diverse cast where the main character is a black female or a transgender male and the rest of the cast is part of the LGBT community
not impress in the slightest
They are bringing back verdansk that’s the prison from mw lol
Price dies? 1:31
Damn $70 dollars for dlc is crazy
BO1 next
why this actor for makarov and really? no scruffy beard?
Soundtrack was the best thing about this video
does not look interesting in my opinion, the no russian mission looked revamped and thats wild
2 thumbs down
price better not die. if he does im gonna be pissed off
what gameplay
now way more dlc
Why are they attacking the Gulag? Did price get captured again? Geez.
“Gameplay Reveal Trailer”
Wheres the gameplay?
All the new kids complaining about this game, no you can't just shove an entire game into another game(look at GTA V on old gen it's unplayable because of an overload of garbage), those complaining about the MW2 remake maps might as well get out as no cod developers can seem to make great maps these days so this is better, and this campaign will be great just like MW19 & MW2 were praised for, the one guarantee Infinity Ward has. Stop being children cause it is you that have ruined the COD community, not these devs.
Everyone in the comment section is very ungrateful honestly, not once did COD release a game trailer and someone have something negative to say. Smh. There’s no pleasing anyone. Overall this game looks super dope.
A strange "Gameplay Reveal Trailer", which doesn't contain any gameplay.