Check out gameplay from Act 3, one of the six acts in Path of Exile 2’s campaign. Act 3 is set in the ruins of the Vaal civilization …
Check out gameplay from Act 3, one of the six acts in Path of Exile 2’s campaign. Act 3 is set in the ruins of the Vaal civilization …
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No physics no tnx x boring
this game looks so cool but it looks like rocket science just to spec the skill tree
the kiwi accent
The movement the fighting the skills. It looks like it is a much more satisfying feeling than d4.
Diablo 2 Resurrect looks great.
Man the movement mechanics in this looks so sick!! Phenomenal!
looks super dope
Coming from Diablo 4, I'm blown away, this looks so fun, no CD??? Diverse bosses? Rewards for exploration?? The skill animations… oh my goodness this is insane ! Free to play or not, this is a must play
feels like more of a sequel of diablo 2
like feeling on act act3 durance of hate
Looks like this sh!ts all over d4
Time out. Poe2 drops gold?
Cool, we are allowed more than 5 skills unlike Diablo 4.
tbh i'm not a diablo/poe player/fan at all
but after playin at diablo 4 looking at this feel like diablo 4 shouldnt have been released at all cause it's not even close to day/night comparasion at this point…
kinda sad for blizzard…
@7:43 took a nice shot at diablo 4. dodge/roll cooldown should never be a thing
This looks phenomenal!
So we got diablo 4, Baldurs gate 3, then path of Exile 2. I wonder how this will compare against diablo 4
Idk man… this might be the one….

The new weapon swap system sounds amazing!
How can these guys make this game look and feel more like the diablo games we loved than the current diablo 4
that last boss fight was amazing
Seems like the Dark Souls of ARPGs. Looks awesome
diablo killer, again.
Still gender locked. “Hey, let’s have all spell casters be women!?” Boo!
Better than Diablo 4.
Everything looks perfect just please….FIX THE UI, IT LOOKS SO OUTDATED. Be proud of your work devs, you've done great!
Whats the difference between this and Diablo 4?
When ps5 release
Looks better than diablo 4 already
Sad diablo IV missed the mark so far. Restricting the players through cooldowns, nerfs, etc…POE2 looks incredible and the developers are making great decisions!
So what Diablo was trying to be
New diablo V
Looks better then Diablo 3
"Run through dungeon, find door, door locked, need soul core to unlock" sounds like every single Diablo 4 dungeon
Diablo IV, gonna have a hard time, pinnin' this down.
Ya, it does make D4 look like a mobile game. If by the passive skill tree alone.
The fact that no numbers popping up throughout screen is already a big W
It’s amazing just how much better this looks than Diablo IV. Man, that was a disappointment. The combat was so repetitive, the enemies so limited. Got a feeling POE2 is going to be a classic
why does act 3 of path of exile 2 look exactly like act 3 in a certain other ARPG from 25 years ago graphics included
poe is the real Diablo 3. poe2 is the real Diablo 4
as long as this game doesnt get nerfed every week like D4 is going to be fine then.
Shoulda kept in the death to the boss, was pretty classic tbh
this looks better than diablo 4
Diablo for poor people
The diablo killer
Give us a horse and let it roll with pathfinding just to rub it in.
Do we still need a PHD in Mathematics to make a build?