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About the Author: IGN


  1. Great game but this review was lacking. The reviewer made sure to mention five or so times that he is above the humor of the game but completely missed to even mention certain aspects. The game has a great and very dynamic (drop in, drop out) coop-mulitplayer mode, for example, and people should know about it.

  2. I'll be honest. The complaints I'm hearing is something that mod community will fix. Because this game supports mod modding and editing.

  3. Only thing I'm going to say is, it's 2023, if you equip your character with body armor, and extra whatever-it should be shown on the character.

  4. I'm glad he gave it a high score but holy crap the reviewer is a wet blanket when it comes to schlock humour. Like we all said during your preview vid dude, "Lighten up, it's SUPPOSED to be silly."

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