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M I only one who noticed his characters strange animation? Animation of fish tail while his character was on the ground

Why did no one notice his outfit turn into a shark
Dude you are using a Cronus or a mod to get that rapid fire. That pistol isn’t auto and the pauses in between shots till the clip empty’s and the way it sticks to the other player isn’t how fortnite made that gun to work. But every pro player uses mods so not even mad just pointing that out.
so he just won with a recon scanner and a pistol
how can you rush with a pistol ( top game bro especially shadow tracker I use that thing as a outo sniper)
Replays is so cool. Respect.
Do the hand cannon only
Bro that guy with the charge must have been so annoying
Also tried that and placed #6
man it looks so nice
2:38 he didnt notice that the tail glitched
WAIT did no one else realize after he got out of the car at 2:30 that the mermaid body was glitched to his skin for the rest of the game??!
2nd to last guy was so stubborn
Beast brutha thats what you are
You are the best

Is it automatic?
That was intense
Much love brotha

I know at 10:10 you shat yourself
I am amazed at how many times he has self delays when putting up a wall or resetting a wall when someone is right in front of them with wide open shot and he doesn't get killed. It happens in every video. Perfect example is 2:48–2:51.
this gun is amazing!
If you can pick it up and it does damage replays can win a game with it.
FaZa SweatPlays
It looks like you have aimbot….
Dang i just posted the same vif
Have you tried the Night hawk pistol?? Its like thermal with like a long range snipe scope
I made bot accounts just to make your channel grow more
How many bounce pads did you have bro
If you didn’t already know this, you can get gold from beds and couches, 5-15 I believe per couch/bed, but I think it’s random cause you don’t get gold every time. Could help with farming possibly?
Most intense box fight there!
Doobie Anyone?
Exotic weapons is best than mitical weapons
My legend

Merry christmas
Luv u love
I have to say great job replays
U should do charge shotgun only