In this video, I guess how much earnings my subscribers have solely based off pictures and videos of their gaming setups.
In this video, I guess how much earnings my subscribers have solely based off pictures and videos of their gaming setups.
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The guy with the amplifier as a pc
Jerian bro you literally have 0 earning literally stop trash talking these people my guy
Am I the only one here who LOVES ninjago 7:30
1 like=1 dollar for me to get a pc
Wdym by earnings by streaming or earnings on Fortnite for doing arenas or the tournaments
What is a zen
Bro, whats a Zen?
Add TRGRichGhost
Can i travel from Ghana to ur please
so that u can show me how to play Fortnite
4:53 bro thought he was in a fixer upper show
Im a ps4 player and a Nintendo switch player
5:31 since he played with peter and he was “shown” using zen does that mean-
I remember when I got in game w Peter of I saw I'm in the kill feed like 12 times
You realize that guys broken monitor was a back ground.
when you are both a kamahley and Jerian sub
U have zen??? For the memes!!!
btw that broken monitor is a wallpaper
at 1:00 the monetor is not broken its a screen saver
i wish i didnt watch this this dude a dumass
Can u train me
for the people that dont know who the guy in the monitor is , his name is zyzz, extreme bodybuilder, respect his name everybody, R.I.P ZYZZ
who else on a budget gaming setup…
Earnings check oh wait you have none
I am a controller player. Please don’t laugh.
Wtf is zhens?
Papa jerian I love ya but just because he said a 1660 it doesn't mean it's trash 1660 can get a good 500-600 fps with regular
Can you give me a call Nathan please
Im gonna unsubscribe because you don’t know who is zyzz
Bro doesn’t know zyzz………
can you coach me i am horrible at fort
what is zen?
What’s zen mean
you should review the redragon k530
Bro people Don't need good stuff to be good I mean have u seen ur face
My guy sussy nows how to set up a zen
you’re a grown man and you still sound like your balls didn’t drop
6:38 bro has a price of paper as a mousepad

The second guy with the zen he on consle so if you buy a zen or xim you can play keyboard and mouse on games you can’t in consle
slecht ben je in fortniye
its a wallpaper cuz i saw the bottom row with all the apps
i have sutep worth 100$ and i have like 7k pr and 300 earnings