Hello, and welcome to Nintendo Voice Chat Presents: Talk of the Kingdom! For the next 6 weeks, IGN’s flagship Nintendo show, …
Hello, and welcome to Nintendo Voice Chat Presents: Talk of the Kingdom! For the next 6 weeks, IGN’s flagship Nintendo show, …
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Need to make these episodes longer for horse apple reasons
Can Talk of the Kingdom end already
Horse Apples! Quality episode as always folks
Nice Comment
Hover Stone is the solution to 100% of the signs.
You guys are getting way too technical with holding up the guys sign. If you just stack a bunch of the boards on top of each other and slide it underneath. It always works or at least 99% of the time. It’s simple, fast and effective.
Dude was wondering about Majorca mask and then tells the story how he was so close to where you actually get it lol
Horse apples
31:40 she is dressed in cece clothes.. just a mushrooms hat ond so on
Seth was a really awkward host. It’s amazing how passion is the only prerequisite
Haven't even beat one dungeon yet
10:55 the gleocs are not hard. Just snipe the heads and when they fall hit as fast as you can.
three words Seth F'n Macy. Oh oh, Macy Rules Altano Drools!
I've spent way too many hours just playing the childhood game where you hit a wooden wheel with a stick and get it to roll down hills
Pick up some poes!
Horse apples
Nice horse apples
Seth is back moderating…Yay! And hes in the office..double yay! And hes not wearing a hat.. tripple yay!!

Seth is in a studio AND he's not wearing a hat!
Tears of the Kingdom is never ending story 80hrs is long gameplay
Love when Seth forgot the name of "Forgotten Land". Apparently we have already forgotten it
Horse apples!
Seth is back! Superninfriendos!!
Seth is my favourite person in gaming!
If horses are so perfect, why can't I pick up items while on horseback?
Also, here's your nice comment
NVC 666 baby hail Satan!
Horse Apples!!!!! Seth you're the MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Hudson company should just let you go
. The amount of times I’ve said this in game is unreal.
They were acting like you can't repair legendary weapons. You absolutely can, and you can also rebuy them from the poe statues. Use the fierce deity sword. It's awesome!
Best cast yet
The person with the colored hair , let some others talk lol.
Horse Grenades and hand apples
Why such a long face?
Dog apples!
You can buy the special weapons again with Poes from barganer staties in the depths.
Certain weapons like the white sword have to be reforged with items. You can fuse them and have a blast with them in this game!!!
Horse Apples

Idea an theory what If we go to termina as another continent. It would explain where lady yona came from
29:58 most of my monsters have weapons and facing off against phantom Ganon
Love this show !!!
Seth for president
Horse apples, baby!
Two things. First the bargainer statues will resale things like Big Goron sword, which have very high fuse numbers and should be used for end game. Second you should absolutely take photos of the end boss in all stages for Kilton.
Cheers to Jada for working so hard at IGN and being the strong, cunning face of gaming for all of us! Go Jada! Something nice!
Horse Apples.
Seth your definitely the most joyful man in video game media!