Pixel Tablet Review: Is Google Back?!

Google re-joins the tablet market with a clever trick. MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com Tech I’m using right now: …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. I totally have been wanting a tablet that I can use in my kitchen as a recipe reader of the recipes I have stored on my PC. I'm fine with sharing the folder and doing all that but can this tablet interface with my Win10 PC?

  2. I really hope this takes off, or at least does well enough to spawn a kickass version 2 that inspires companies other than Samsung (and OnePlus…?) to start making Android tablets again.

  3. I wonder how are notifications handled with different profiles. Like if we are sharing a tablet with a partner, do you get notification from both profiles??

  4. $500(no 500 is not cheap for a lot of people), and the dock not working in it's own as a google Home mini is a deal breaker for me, as I use my current Nokia T20 tablet with a bluetooth keyboard, and mouse as my main portable, and I like having my nest hub in the kitchen, and game room for the family to use, and if I were replace my current tablet with this to justify the cost, I would not work to well for me personally.

  5. Just get the OnePlus Pad if you don't care about hybrid smarthome displays. It 1-ups this tablet in every way, including price, being €20 cheaper.

  6. The only thing I don't like about this is that it doesn't include a USB C charging port, which means this thing wouldn't be traveling with me if I'm going to be gone for more than a day.

  7. The idea is amazing, but battery issues and burn in the display can occur due to the always on docking system.

  8. I think this tablet system could be useful in a household. Not withstanding the price of the docks, You could have several docks. One in the kitchen, maybe on your desk, on your workbench in the garage and I could bring the tablet to each of those locations and you could really customize it and have a different profile if you want with the apps that you would use in those locations. I also like being able to cast to it. I could be in the kitchen watching something while I am cooking etc. then move it to my desk and continue watching while I work. I hope Google starts putting more performance in their products. That could help create an audience and bring them into their ecosystem. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I've been using a Pixel C since 2015 for email, and news feeds but the hardware is getting old and lacks enough memeory @ 4GB. My new Pixel arrives tomorrow. Thanks for the look ahead!

  10. The doc of course isn't free, if they sold the tablet by itself the price obviously would be less, this is like xbox putting a camera in the box with the console, the tablet has meh specs

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