Do zombies and parkour make a good combination? Find out in our review of Techland’s new survival horror game.
Do zombies and parkour make a good combination? Find out in our review of Techland’s new survival horror game.
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Here in 2023, played through all the content several times since launch, never got bored.
Still better than any 2023 game lol
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On epic games
Looking at this video again after a long time, and realized that it was released on my birthday
shitty zombie game, minecraft is better
Knowing that it's the people that made Mirror's Edge making this… Baffling. Mirror's Edge is endlessly better than this insult of a software!
נראה אחלה משחק
This game aged so well although it came out in 2015 it’s graphics and lighting are way ahead of its time and the game play is amazing
Even thought the story is just meh. But bro, the Gameplay is still fun as hell, ngl. It so addictive.
This games way better than 2
They gave Evolved a 9.0. Let that sink in.
He miss to praise the music if the game
He miss to praise the music if the game
Who’s here after playing Dying Light 2?
How come this gets a higher score from you over Dying Light 2? Right now Dying Light 1 feels barely playable to me after playing Dying Light 2, you people are huge morons!
Jumping on the controller IS intuitive because if it was X or A you would constantly lose control of your camera and keep moving your finger( unless you have a scuff controller). They made the best choice. Think before you write
This game is worse than left for dead
So this got a better review? Doesn’t make sense
Shity game the story is intresting like my nippels and the gameplay is pointless and massy the open world is qwiet prity though a lot of details 6/10 and who need more zombie games for fucksake the last of us there is only one
Oh boy oh boy cant wait for DL 2

It's like u hate every game bro dying light is my best game
If you think this game should have a fast travel you are just straight wrong
This game is a lot of fun.
Picking it up for the switch, dying light on the go leesss go
Wow 8.5
Who else is rewatching this after the Switch reveal?