The Closest Thing to Virtual Reality FIFA Pazjor — May 24, 2023 38 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest S/o Harry Hesketh for camera idea – Twitter: – TikTok: – Instagram: … source 78+ player picks 81+ upgrade packs 81+ upgrades double upgrade packs fifa pack opening fifa packs fifa paz fifa pro fifa pro camera fifa pro paz paz fifa paz jor pazjor pazjor fifa pazjor icon pazjor icon pack player picks fifa pro camera pro camera fifa upgrade pack Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
I hate that all of these videos are just one simple change like the ProVUE mode or something but the rest is open in tax in building a squad
2:08 made me laugh so hard
wait a dawm minute where did my squad go
him: Ohhh I’m not gonna look
proceeds to look
lil bro got 10 likes and thought she did something
VRFS would work
Clickbait vid
i love the part when he played vr
high quality goods
I hate that all of these videos are just one simple change like the ProVUE mode or something but the rest is open in tax in building a squad
you absolute doughnut
icardi is good player
1 min of gameplay?
This isn't even close to VR, wth?
Trash video
This is click bait
this guy really saw England and said english
how doe you get Pickford 2 times
yo got 3 gole keepers
Bro how is the stadium so big
Isn’t even close to be are you stupid
Nice CLICKBATE. Clickbate = stupid
bro how tf is this vr?
You said it was vr and it isn’t
I really waited five minutes and nothing about this was VR
RM can play at mid

Bro wtf how is this close to FIFA pro camera am unsubcribing
I though it was maldini
Same my squad disapeared randomly so i had to make it again
Bought a ball and get a friends ! That's best to play
This video is why YouTube should show dislike counts.
The thumbnail is goofy
what was that full clickbate
how the hell would your squad desapear like that