Top 10 Legend of Zelda Games of All Time

Top 10 Legend of Zelda Games of All Time

With The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom finally out, we went back to rank all of the Zelda games to see where Nintendo’s …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Fourty years of the definitive examples in game design HISTORY, all destroyed by a game that hasn't been out a week. Nintendoes.

  2. Skyward Sword on Switch is underrated. The dungeon game slaps. Plus one of the more emotional stories.

    Twilight Princess also has a great dungeon game.

  3. How can you include a game thats barely a week old in this list and even put it as No1!! Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time should be 1st place to the true Zelda fans.

  4. Clicked off the video once he scored Twilight princess a 10. Like wtf. IGN is so disconnected from games and somehow they act like there opinion still matters.

  5. Loving Tears of the Kingdom so far but this sounds like IGN is calling it as the best game ever made a few days after release, which feels punchy to say the least.

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