dbrand Grip Case & Skins – https://dbrand.com/excessorizeme If you’re looking to upgrade your EDC (Everyday Carry), then these …
dbrand Grip Case & Skins – https://dbrand.com/excessorizeme If you’re looking to upgrade your EDC (Everyday Carry), then these …
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Soooo… "Gadgets Under $20" or "Anime EDC" next…
If so, which one?!
I've never watched your channel before…but this style of editing… is it for comedic purposes? just feels autistic, can't stand it otherwise interesting products. sorry.
Your a grown man with fidgets??

I need more videos like this.
Men can you please tell me the name of those New Balances because i really like them
Why does he cuts/draws the shape of the dick in every video
What is the air tag holder?
this video scratches my brain lol! good work dude
D-brand is literally a 3M sticker
overpriced garbage.
I just loved your filming style man
15 gadgets out of 16?XD
Hi, where can I buy this spray '' Nomatic Spray Vial'', none of the links work and I can't find it online, can you help me?
can you do a "clear" or "frosted" edc? I love clear phone cases and the nothing ear 1 and 2 earbuds and stuff like that. Could be fun to see a bunch of cool gadgets that are clear. Thanks! Love the content!
Whoever designed this keyring skipped basic logic and went for a disruptive tool. If the thing unlocks when flipped inwards, it will unlock all the time, because its much harder to get something trough the ring than it is to get something around the ring. He shouldve designed it the other way around, locked when its on the inside.
Came here for the helmet watch the full video, but there is no helmet at all.

How do the British say? (Bulux)
more cheap crap that nobody really needs
What are the New balance trainers at the beginning of the video?
Where do I buy the 8 ball Keychain?
Now where does one get that helmet
what about that hoodie?
what shoe model are those??
the top comments all look like npcs
“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need”
bro paid $800 for that machine56 mask
All black movement
The shoes
Maybe quit being a professional scammer and get a real job. Grow out of this phase and become a functioning member of society.
I subscribed immediately I saw the Apple Watch clip case
Out of curiosity, how much money do you spend an average month? Judging by the last several videos of yours that I watched, your devices (per video) easily total a few thousand dollars.