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The Room VR
my favorite is half-life
My favorite is actually beat saber
What a game changer for console! PsVr2 reach now the level of Huge and expensive Pc Rigs… Video game Industry has moved so fast those years! For my part GT7 PcVr2 and Half Life ALYX are the best Vr Game reviewd in this video!
On oculus quest I think it would be beat saber. When they added multiplayer it made it 10x more fun
Gotta vote for Until Dawn, Rush of Blood!!
I love red matter 2, pc or quest it looks beautiful and you'll find yourself just amazed at the visuals at some places like halflifealyx. Puzzles and over all slow crawler but intermittent combat just felt great
The mods are great too (eg the John wick simulator built on half life Alyx).
My fav is still Rush of Blood. So much replay value.
Superhot VR is my favorite VR game of all time!
If i got vr my first game i plays is half life alyx and the forest vr
Asgard's Wrath
Beat Saber is my favorite VR game, but I like watching my boy play Job Simulator as well.
I haven't played much VR games but the one the i had the most fun with was Resident Evil 4 for the Meta Quest! :3
Vertigo 2 is my surprise GOTY at the moment, it's crazy good!
Half Life Alyx!
My favorite VR game is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as for now.
Star Wars: Squadrons seems like a really cool VR game. Would love to play it if I had the chance
Into the radius is my favorite
Honorable mention to VTOL VR for PCVR.
Beat Saber is the best game of all time!
Bone lab is also fun
My favorite be game is definitely half life alyx
I absolutely love Into The Radius. I spent so much time exploring, upgrading, sneaking, and attacking monsters in the hellish landscape. Having a game like that is probably why other games like Green Hell and Saints and Sinners are some of my favorites.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood was crazy. I loved scaring my grandma with it.
Galaxies Edge is my favorite title of all time!
My favorite VR game of all time is Superhot VR. It's still something my kid and I play regularly.
great list
My favorite is actually audio trip. I like rhythm games and with custom songs you never run out of things to do. It's the game I play the most. With that said I think the best game I have played is definitely alyx.
love boneworks, my kids and I play it a lot
Just got into modded fo4 vr quite enjoying it
I thought you had said awhile back that you were going to do a Saints and Sinners review. Am I mistaken? Did I miss it?
Glad to see into the radius. It captures everything I want in vr. Tense open world, nice gunplay, and survival mechanics. The feeling you get when finding a good gun when looting
I didn’t think I would like Beat Saber, In Death, or Compound and they turned out to be some of my most played games. HL Alyx of course, but don’t forget the amazing and free maps people have created. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are also terrific but require some significant modding to bring out their best in VR. The Living Remain is also an excellent zombie shooter.
Ancient Dungeon VR and Compound definitely deserve to be mentioned. Both have a surprising amount of content and are very polished. Also I think VR modded games could be featured as well, Half-Life 2: VR mod is excellent, better than most standalone VR games in terms of playability and polish. Also I haven't tried them but apparently the Resident Evil VR mods are pretty good!
Hey man! I've been interested n Asguards Wrath since I got into VR. But since I have a bit of a backlog have tried to wait for a sale.. right now i got that 30% code active making it $29. So my question is in your experience have you ever seen it go lower than that? Should I wait a little longer and keep working the back log?
In Death! Great callout
Great lists! Beyond what was mentioned in the video, there are a bunch of awesome PSVR games that are still worth playing despite the aged/flawed hardware. Games like Here They Lie (criminally underrated IMO), Wipeout Omega Collection, Statik, Headmaster, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Dreams, and Ace Combat 7 (even though it's only 3 levels in VR). Really hope some more of these titles get ported to PSVR 2 or get sequels/spiritual successors.
Check out 6 years of VR Gaming – https://youtu.be/iFmm4DaKp5w
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The Room VR
my favorite is half-life
My favorite is actually beat saber
What a game changer for console! PsVr2 reach now the level of Huge and expensive Pc Rigs… Video game Industry has moved so fast those years! For my part GT7 PcVr2 and Half Life ALYX are the best Vr Game reviewd in this video!
On oculus quest I think it would be beat saber. When they added multiplayer it made it 10x more fun
Gotta vote for Until Dawn, Rush of Blood!!
I love red matter 2, pc or quest it looks beautiful and you'll find yourself just amazed at the visuals at some places like halflifealyx. Puzzles and over all slow crawler but intermittent combat just felt great
The mods are great too (eg the John wick simulator built on half life Alyx).
My fav is still Rush of Blood. So much replay value.
Superhot VR is my favorite VR game of all time!
If i got vr my first game i plays is half life alyx and the forest vr
Asgard's Wrath
Beat Saber is my favorite VR game, but I like watching my boy play Job Simulator as well.
I haven't played much VR games but the one the i had the most fun with was Resident Evil 4 for the Meta Quest! :3
Vertigo 2 is my surprise GOTY at the moment, it's crazy good!
Half Life Alyx!
My favorite VR game is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as for now.
Star Wars: Squadrons seems like a really cool VR game. Would love to play it if I had the chance
Into the radius is my favorite
Honorable mention to VTOL VR for PCVR.
Beat Saber is the best game of all time!
Bone lab is also fun
My favorite be game is definitely half life alyx
I absolutely love Into The Radius. I spent so much time exploring, upgrading, sneaking, and attacking monsters in the hellish landscape. Having a game like that is probably why other games like Green Hell and Saints and Sinners are some of my favorites.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood was crazy. I loved scaring my grandma with it.
Galaxies Edge is my favorite title of all time!
My favorite VR game of all time is Superhot VR. It's still something my kid and I play regularly.
great list
My favorite is actually audio trip. I like rhythm games and with custom songs you never run out of things to do. It's the game I play the most. With that said I think the best game I have played is definitely alyx.
love boneworks, my kids and I play it a lot
Just got into modded fo4 vr quite enjoying it
I thought you had said awhile back that you were going to do a Saints and Sinners review. Am I mistaken? Did I miss it?
Glad to see into the radius. It captures everything I want in vr. Tense open world, nice gunplay, and survival mechanics. The feeling you get when finding a good gun when looting
I didn’t think I would like Beat Saber, In Death, or Compound and they turned out to be some of my most played games. HL Alyx of course, but don’t forget the amazing and free maps people have created. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are also terrific but require some significant modding to bring out their best in VR. The Living Remain is also an excellent zombie shooter.
Ancient Dungeon VR and Compound definitely deserve to be mentioned. Both have a surprising amount of content and are very polished. Also I think VR modded games could be featured as well, Half-Life 2: VR mod is excellent, better than most standalone VR games in terms of playability and polish. Also I haven't tried them but apparently the Resident Evil VR mods are pretty good!
Hey man! I've been interested n Asguards Wrath since I got into VR. But since I have a bit of a backlog have tried to wait for a sale.. right now i got that 30% code active making it $29. So my question is in your experience have you ever seen it go lower than that? Should I wait a little longer and keep working the back log?
In Death! Great callout
Great lists!
Beyond what was mentioned in the video, there are a bunch of awesome PSVR games that are still worth playing despite the aged/flawed hardware. Games like Here They Lie (criminally underrated IMO), Wipeout Omega Collection, Statik, Headmaster, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Dreams, and Ace Combat 7 (even though it's only 3 levels in VR). Really hope some more of these titles get ported to PSVR 2 or get sequels/spiritual successors.