You NEED This Simple $50 Gadget

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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. love my lectrofan been using it for a decade. its been running 7 years consistently. people always ask why not just use a fan and one thing is i use an air purifier and it really quiet. i dont need any more breezes especially in winter.

  2. Sounds like a torture device! Anyone ever make a true noise cancelling device, that listens to the environment and sends out a counter frequency?

  3. I live in the mountains of northern alaska next to a popular campground

    During summer the great white hunters come in convoys and this would be perfect because all night during summer it’s loud generators gun shots and partying all night

  4. tons of videos with different sounds for sleep on youtube😀
    that box is just waste of money🤣🤣
    and those sounds are only noises which for me are annoying

  5. I own 2 of these and I swear by it!!!!! This stops my noisy neighbors….works like a charm. It now has over 26K reviews.

  6. Any old stereo with FM radio. Just take out the FM antenna and you have white noise. I have been doing this for years.

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