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Great video. Big Brother is watching!!!!!
Rubber dinghy rapids are on hold
Nope, didn't see anything terrifying..
Nice tie in to innocent balloons drifting across our landscape. Haven't heard anything after they pulled the wreckage out of the drink. Wonder why? What about those balloo….TRUMP INDICTED! LOOK OVER HERE!
This video is bullshit, I've SEEN OLD STYLE satellite photos from the 80's back when they dropped film canisters, and I can read license plates of cars on the ground from those. Surely the electronic censors are faster and more capable than FILM?
Gorgon stare.
Is it terrifying because you have to remember all those acronyms or what am I missing?
This video is rubbish. Dealing only with Mega-pixels does not improve the image, but the aperture diameter is the limit.
The true resolution of an images determined by the lens diameter, as the first and main limit – the digital sensor is the second limit.
You wanna get sharp image with high zoom? you needa get cosmological telescope diameter lens, 6m in diameter or so,
Else don't tell us stories about 15mm pixel size from space.
By the way, did you know no one earth based telescope can see the moon landing site in details, ask your self why.
Heck, just use balloons! Heck, how about balloons that CARRY drones to where they are needed?
I've spent something like.
What, fourteen years?
Yeah like 14 years on youtube.
I've subbed to probably 8,000+ different channels over the years.
I have NEVER used a sponsor recommended by a youtuber. Not once. Not even one single ad from any youtuber.
I've been proven right every time someone shills for a bullcrap product that turns out to be abusing its customers.
They were using this system over San Diego the month before Biden visited earlier this month. From what I see , they’re still using it
Good thing this will never be abused by our benevolent government.
… but the Taliban show that intelligence is better than American technology.
its all low earth orbit.
so my question is did they already achieved X-Ray images that can penetrate inside buildings etc etc?
Kill less people, more efficiently. Totally acceptable. Yeah?
If a new system is being develop using modern +100Mpixel sensors, it will be in order of +12.8Gpixel
"Gorgon Stare"; why was this not named? The "Patriot Act" combined with the removal of the "Smith-Mundt Act" in the "Defense Authorization Act of 2013"; signed by Barack Hussein Obama who was tutored by Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground; to allow propaganda on U.S. soil should enlighten you. Remember that the U.S government is 10 – 15 years ahead of what the public is allowed to know. Where did the 2.1 TRILLION go that Rumsfeld spoke about on 09/10/2001, and why is that number over 6 Trillion now?
21 takes terabytes/s holy smokes. So a time machine.
Technology advancement in wrong hands is disaster for humanity!
And this is why I suspect the US military knew where MH370 was. There were Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises near that area at around that time. The USA 224 and USA 245 satellites were passing over that area around that time too. So it's likely that the US military knew but wanted to see if China had both the capability and willingness to reveal it.
why does EVERYTHING have to be "Terrifying?" That is propaganda talk
Thanks for giving measurements in both scales.
TL;DR China wants WWIII to happen before daddy xi kicks the bucket. We all knew this.
Which cameras saw the WMD's so clearly that that couldnt be found in person?
Constant HAWK literally saved my, and my whole squad's life back in January of 2008 near Tal Afar Iraq around 3am by stopping us from driving right into an ambush. Ive always wondered to myself if the people who worked on and designed these tools realize that their work helped save so many young American lives and how utterly grateful dumb grunts like me are for their brilliant work. This video was fascinating to see just what went into that technology.
Thank you for making this Video. It was very interesting. I remember back when I was in the Air Force, hearing about Satellites that could tell you what kind of Cigarettes you were Smoking. The Cameras on the Satellites could read the Lettering on the the Pack of Cigarettes in your Hand. The only thing I don’t like, is it being used to Spy on American Citizens!
Amazing there the technology goes
Stop the Metric System crap on videos shown in America.
Wow! has this dude either been lied to or did very poor research there are satellites that stay in place over a said country so yes, they can see a cars plates all day long as long as the plates are in the view area of the stationary device however these satellites may be classified but there known to exist!
I remember a cyberpunk story (can't remember the exact book) where criminal gangs used to all wear the same clothes, including gloves, and very wide brimmed sombreros to stop this exact sort of thing, then each person's identity could be kept private and if the sombreros were wide enough, then person to person interaction was also hidden. All the cameras saw was the same circles moving around. If a group went into a building then all left at the same time, it made it very hard to track a particular individual. Of course, we now know that the way a person walks would be tracked via AI…