Modern smartphones are packed with sensors. Many will even measure magnetism in three dimensions. Can the cellphone in our …
Modern smartphones are packed with sensors. Many will even measure magnetism in three dimensions. Can the cellphone in our …
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"I am not sure which of the two holes I am probing here." Someone please tell me that I am not the only one that got a smile from that.
now i wonder how easy it might be to build a small usb c attachment with a more professional sensor on it.
This app is also available on iPhones and is seriously powerful and fun to use
No jokes abt 69 in the video. He really is mature
This makes sense as it can be used to orient your phone's screen easier than accelerometers can.
Big data is watching the planet field change.
I just got the S23 ultra I assume this means I can do this too? thats a S23 plus right?
3:46 I absolutely expected this and I love this
3:55 Sometimes I'm not sure either
This is quite interesting, I cannot see what future portable devices, and by extension smartphones, can do with their sensors for other practical applications!
Can you share app name ? Is it on F-droid store ?
The magnetometer was actually way more accurate than I would've expected. No it's not a lab tool, but it's still pretty far and away from cheap compasses and the like.
Modern Smartphones are chock full of sensors and technology, it is amazing. For what they deliver the price is actually very low, especially if you have one of the non-top brands from China.
Always a great day when you upload a new video.
hey! what app are you using in this video and the lumens one? I could really use that for some things i needed to do haha
What fun!
I think I found the app during your video and was sitting here waggling my phone about on the desk with you!
Pixel 7 – Worked great!
I love your videos.
Nice Video!
Already looking forward to the next one
69 degrees

Really interesting to see. I wish that these sensors were more powerful, it would really be cool to have a truly all-in-one pocket multitool that actually does everything it can do, instead of having most of its sensors gimped due to most people not needing it.
u forgot to blur your face on min 4:51
phones are insane tools. some of them even have night vision. try looking around utilizing the "time of flight" sensor. some phone allows third party apps to access them. or LIDAR is also very amazing
Be careful around magnets they are hungry dont feed them!
Let's get me him toh 1 million. He deserves it