Read the full buying guide here – https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/mobile-computing/laptops/best-laptops-1304361 1. Google …
Read the full buying guide here – https://www.techradar.com/uk/news/mobile-computing/laptops/best-laptops-1304361 1. Google …
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CHROME BOOK PRODUCTS ARE A TOTAL POS, do not bother with buying one of these cheap garbage devices, spend the extra few dollars, and upgrade to a Windows Product. Save yourself from the heartbreak and frustration of having thrown your hard-earned money away !!
A stylish looking Chromebook with a powerful mediatek processor in it. Wow! #acerchromebook514
Where is the cx9400?
Relative just bought Asus C214 from Lidl for £149.99. I checked worldwide prices and this is the cheapest by far for that model.
u forgot to include the samsung galaxy red chromebook piss poor review
A chromebook for word documents, browsing the internet. Streaming videos. Decent battery life and memory?
I have that one as a college student
Can we use tally in chromebook????
There is far to much fluff to little information. Jeez, how about prices?
Chrome books are horrible
The #1 was a bias opinion as Matt owns one and uses one himself everyday
666 likes tho-
I wanna get a chrome book but you can't get fall guys
Please suggest Chrome OS tablets
Why dont they rell you the prices? Waste of time review
Acer is the High Point of chromebooks lol
Im concedering saving up for the Asus chromebook beacuse im a digital artist but i draw on PC Which does not have Ibis paint x
I need a Chromebook for the bois
you're getting the idea of Chromebooks all wrong. It's no longer a budget device just for students. High end Chromebooks like the Pixelbook Go with 16GB of RAM are for developers looking for a portable Linux/Unix laptop. With a managed Linux installation, everything down to the battery life and integration is optimized. Devs can browse the web if they just want to chill, and fire up a full Linux OS when they need to for developing software. If the dev ever needs more resources, the native Linux integrations make it easy to shift their development pipeline directly to the cloud. At this point, you're probably asking why not get a Mac then, well, to start, the Macs are overkill when I don't need the full OS while browsing the web in bed.