Hiring a green screen and letting Quinns loose on the topic of Excel as an eSport seemed like a good idea at the time, but …
Hiring a green screen and letting Quinns loose on the topic of Excel as an eSport seemed like a good idea at the time, but …
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18:40 He swore!
Such amazing editing/compositing, good for you!!!!!
What was suggested at the end about e-sports for creating charts and dashboards already exists! Check out the "Iron Viz" competition from Tableau, it's phenomenal!
Anyone know where to find the datasheet for this Knights and Warriors task? Sounds hilarious to try myself (and probably spend an entire day on….). Lov the vid btw!
You could have just done =firstcell and then filled down saving yourselves about 5 minutes running back and forth. Ah well, you were starting to get there, this sort of competition would do my head in. So cheers for the look into the weirdest e-sport I've heard about, thanks to you.
I love Caves of Qud. Brian Bucklew looks exactly as he should.
13:50 The first time your friend tried explaining D&D to you.
holy shit took me a full five minutes of jogging my memory to realise you're the guy who did that massive Watch the Skies video years ago
greatest graphics i've ever seen
"It's basically a Paradox game" every time Quinns thinks he's finally escaped the videogames industry he gets pulled back in…
an author writing a book on word is kinda the word esport… complete a challenge to gain money and fame, if you perform better than your competitors you get more
Thought this was silly until I remembered I play paradox grand strategy games which are basically just spread sheets with a nice UI
Something I find really funny is that there is a British eSports team called Excel eSports, and to my knowledge they don't take part in Excel eSports
Where can I get an Excel jersey? Need to add that to my collection.
As someone who is making stuff with the help of spreadsheets, I am happy, offended, & laughing at this. (I prefer Google sheets over microsoft excel because it's more flexible on multiple devices for a budget that is practically nonexistent.)
+ Good Video
I'm pretty good at excel but the moment someone watches me use it I become completely incompetent, so this is impressive
i hate that this sounds fun
Can't wait for the successor of AlphaGo: ExelErator
In all honesty, having an AI accelerated spreadsheet maker would be super useful. Imagine how many new ways you could interpret data and how fast you could rework spreadsheets.
can't wait to see how many excelling excel jokes there are
And I thought "death by Powerpoint" was bad. But I'm happy the sport, uh, makes other people happy? ~:)
I learn something new about gaming every time this channel uploads
i thought excel esports was just a meme that krazam made up. lol
Placing an image in Word would be a great eSport.
Keyboard short cuts are extreme?
It would be really cool to see a similar eSport but for like Photoshop or Adobe premiere and stuff. Just to see how fast people can edit and make things in other professional software
For anyone wondering, MMULT() does matrix multiplication.
Well, I play Romance of Three Kingdoms mostly on Excel working out a way to optimize officer assignments.
Heck, I play Potion Craft like it's running a business, making profit and loss statements, and tracking inventory.
Glad to know I'm not alone.
I absolutely LOVE the editing here, it's so creative and at times even whacky! When the background started kaleidoscoping that was already pretty rad but then things went really multi-dimensional. Congrats on making a video about excel esports very visually interesting, it's amazing!
Just waiting for an gamer mode for excel to be easy on the aye.
When he said "about ten years ago in 2012" it took me so off guard I had to pause it and type this comment
the first 2 minutes of this give off such strong Jon Bois vibes, it's beautiful
KURTOSIS measures the kurtosis, not the skew of a distribution. Skew is how much the peak leans to one side or another, while kurtosis describes the shape of that peak/lean. I only have a very basic understanding of this, though…
Excellent investigative journalism right there. Seems like a kindergarden version of coding challenges.
I bet my left t1tty that within 2 years of this post, a version of ChatGPT (or similar) will beat all humans at this, every time.
Singularity, here we come!
This is absolutely amazing, amazing job gang
Excellent video!!!
I wanna try it out! Are there any free cases?
"kurtosis measures the skewness" AHHHHHGGGGGG (jk it's not big deal but it's funny if you know)
Alright, do Access next!
The design of this whole video is glorious.
Absolutely amazing video, best editing I have seen ever. Hilarious!
There is an e-sport for everything. Sounds kinda fun though.
I do worldbuilding for a cyberpunk game and want to give androids in it a unique culture and way of thinking that is different than humans culture and ways of thinking. Exel sports are exactly what I was envisioning for this. Thank you for bringing this to a wider audience like me!
I had missed lame graphics. Y'all are doing great
oz is a fuckin hero
also I can't believe we're witnessing quinns's first day as a second century warlord
Trying to do work with this in the background is impossible. Too funny.
During the pandemic, my college D&D club went virtual. Not wanting to pay for or learn Roll20, my DM, who was an accounting major, moved the entire game to a spreadsheet. The battlemaps were Google spreadsheets. Our characters all had colors assigned to them. We would move by announcing the name of the cell which we were moving to, like Battleship. It was hilarious, and highly functional, might I add.
Excel is tons of fun. You can make tetris out of it if you wanted, but not sure why you'd put yourself through it