WWE 2K23 feels like a good step up from its predecessor. However, the game has to do quite a bit to justify its existence when …
WWE 2K23 feels like a good step up from its predecessor. However, the game has to do quite a bit to justify its existence when …
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Just nothing going on around the ring. Looks so bland and empty.
Physical copy does not come with a qr code for Supercard. That is what let me down about this game when I opened my Deluxe Edition last night
this game gets a 8 but no mention of actual gameplay improvements, crazy
Am I the only one who wants the engine from 2K15-2K20 back?
I skipped these two in particular because I don’t like that they completely swapped out the mechanics
Is there a younger looking version of the Undertaker in the game.. Or we have received the old fart again?
So it's just 2k22
Wwe needs to leave 2k games wwe 2k23 sucks the my rise is not long enough and it not good I waiting on aew fight for ever they are making wwe look bad I miss old games the story mode was longer and it made you want to play it again I’m not putting my money on this junk anymore no more wwe games until they leave 2k
Oh f**k off with the No Mercy crap. No Mercy was good but go play it in 2023 and see how it doesn't hold up at all. It's over 20 years old, let it go already. Tired of the "back in my day" dweebs. Most gamers weren't even born at the time Boomer. Next time, I don't know…get someone who actually likes wrestling games to review a wrestling game and not some Boomer that wants to relive his childhood.
graphix of the past decade.
I wouldnt say wwe 2k22 is perfectly playable lol
looks amazing for a PS3 game
I'm loving the game but you added double title entrances back but you can't defend both the titles in a match
I really don't like that they are using the same moves for the past decades. I can't feel anything new when playing Randy Orton performing the same RKO which has been the same decades ago.
Fire Pro Wrestling still better…..
I always felt like I wasn't in control when playing wrestling games (PS1 era and earlier). Is it still the same or are wrestling games more responsive now?
I hope they bring back the create a finisher/ create your story and the storylines as in the SmackDown vs Raw games
same as last year
the best and the last pro wrestling that i played was Smack down: Here comes the pain. this 2k wrestling games are soo boring, maybe because the real wwe is getting boring and cornier by the year?
ill stick with my no mercy rom!
I didn't pre-order and was thinking I'd just pick this up on Friday. It looks good and all but I may just wait for it to go on sale sooner or later.
I am not buying as I like the 2k22 pinning engine and not this year
I pre ordered the last game , just for it to go on sale the next month
so waiting till April to get this one , no rush.
As an avid WWE 2K critic, could even call me a hater. I’ve been very against these games since 2K15.
So when I say this is an actual good game worth the full price, I MEAN IT. This is 2K’s best game to date.
This is why I hate when people who have platforms talk nonsense. We do not need the gameplay to be more arcadish. We need a game that has both arcade and simulation. Not everyone like arcade gameplay. I wish we could choose which gameplay style to play.
It's better than 2k15, 17, 18, 20, and 22. I won't say 16 only because of nostalgia and 19 because you guys would disagree with me
How do the dives still look so slow and clunky, common !
Smackdown VS RAW on PS2 & PS3 will always be the winner, these 2k games are literal trash compared to those.
Didn’t even mention universe mode. This was a very lazy review
Will this be available on the switch?
I have been saving my money for this.
One more year without the feature I want which is add my custom tracks and videos to wrestlers entrance
Whatsthestatus community creations here I come. Assemble "SmackTalks and QuickStopHicks YouTube channel really helps with getting good models and everything. The game has changed so much. It looks and plays wonderfully. I'm glad it's not that arcade. I know how to do all my light and heavy grapples and attacks. Having the "Elimination Chamber and WarGames in the same game is fire.
Okay. This game is average. AEW here's your shot. Let's go #NOMERCY gameplay!
I bought the game.
feels like the coach from Dodgeball put the controls together. (I said the same thing about '22 just from the videos 2K put out about the controls) I miss the controls of '19…
Create an arena is broken, but I notice none of you Youtube creators want to talk about that.