i cant stop imagining being the roomate that has to listen to you making your content.
TBH… Please stop pausing in the middle. Push that brain mooshing to the end of the vid instead
Why did you pause in the middle
1v1 @axolootl fr
"Welcome to foxes coverage of an American bombing run on Hiroshima" Got me so bad, spit soda all over my keyboard.
I love your videos can you play Tactical Assault Vr thanks
I love it when you pause the video. Reminds me of which channel I'm watching and then I smile like a smoothbrain.
As a patriots fan, watching the dolphins crush my team with Habie at the helm, perfectly describes how we're doing right now without Brady. 10/10 would recommend
One question… why did you pause the video in the middle?
Love your content
Being here from 100 is badass, but being here from 40k is still pretty good
Checkmate habie, I expect your computer out of your window very soon.
Habie please play this game more
Try 2md football
10/10 would watch again
why'd you pause in the miiddle of the video?
Why did you pause in the middle again
Habies getting famous, i wonder what his scandel will be
You should try playing thrill of the fight vr.
wait why did he pause the video for like a minute and a half??
Y u pause middle?
Yeah about the pause hater comment; you should double or even triple down it habie, go ham and quite literally pause every 3 minutes for the fart atomic mirror brains at random intervals just for the sole purpose of pissing them off. Or you can just cut it to black for no reason in the video at a random time and continue it haphazardly after a few minutes of silence with the volume crank at eleven with bass at max just to be toxic.
Play gym class
This needs the new Full-body Hyperrealistic Concussive Haptic Feedback & Tinnitus Simulator + Neurolink™ Early-Onset CTE Implant.
This was a big game wdym nobodies heard of it
I hope we can get a vr soccer game that uses like body tracking for the feet and stuff. Being a goalie in vr would be so fun.
I love the pause in the middle of the video
They put a mirror brain skin in Fortnite
I Reccomend ya check out Ghosts of Tabor Its Tarkov VR pretty much.
Play ghosts of tabor
The first CTE joke got me
hey your excuse for being bad could be that you're the dolphins!
I was there!
i cant stop imagining being the roomate that has to listen to you making your content.
TBH… Please stop pausing in the middle. Push that brain mooshing to the end of the vid instead
Why did you pause in the middle

1v1 @axolootl fr
"Welcome to foxes coverage of an American bombing run on Hiroshima"
Got me so bad, spit soda all over my keyboard.
I love your videos can you play Tactical Assault Vr thanks
I love it when you pause the video. Reminds me of which channel I'm watching and then I smile like a smoothbrain.
As a patriots fan, watching the dolphins crush my team with Habie at the helm, perfectly describes how we're doing right now without Brady. 10/10 would recommend
One question… why did you pause the video in the middle?
Love your content
Being here from 100 is badass, but being here from 40k is still pretty good
Why did u pause In the middle?
Checkmate habie, I expect your computer out of your window very soon.
Habie please play this game more
Try 2md football
10/10 would watch again
why'd you pause in the miiddle of the video?
Why did you pause in the middle again
Habies getting famous, i wonder what his scandel will be
You should try playing thrill of the fight vr.
wait why did he pause the video for like a minute and a half??
Y u pause middle?
Yeah about the pause hater comment; you should double or even triple down it habie, go ham and quite literally pause every 3 minutes for the fart atomic mirror brains at random intervals just for the sole purpose of pissing them off.
Or you can just cut it to black for no reason in the video at a random time and continue it haphazardly after a few minutes of silence with the volume crank at eleven with bass at max just to be toxic.
Play gym class
This needs the new Full-body Hyperrealistic Concussive Haptic Feedback & Tinnitus Simulator + Neurolink™ Early-Onset CTE Implant.
This was a big game wdym nobodies heard of it
I hope we can get a vr soccer game that uses like body tracking for the feet and stuff. Being a goalie in vr would be so fun.
I love the pause in the middle of the video
They put a mirror brain skin in Fortnite
I Reccomend ya check out Ghosts of Tabor
Its Tarkov VR pretty much.
Play ghosts of tabor
The first CTE joke got me
hey your excuse for being bad could be that you're the dolphins!
Why did you pause in the middle?