A UK firm that fixes smartphones is calling for an official device repair apprenticeship to be introduced. TMT First, which introduced …
A UK firm that fixes smartphones is calling for an official device repair apprenticeship to be introduced. TMT First, which introduced …
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Not if you buy a Fair Phone 4, it’s been designed to take apart
Also don't forget that consumers do not have the right to repair. Often technology manufacturers will not sell spare parts
I'd rather take it to a repair shop then do it myself
BBC please remove scamers bots
so desperate for money 
Just closed insurance companies and repair industries will boom again.
Entirely the manufacturer's fault. They make these things difficult to repair by design.
This video has appeared three times on my timeline and each time I thought the woman was about to snort cocaine on a smartphone screen
20 repairs per day, with average cost 200 pounds will be 4000. Then 20 working days means technician get 80 000 every month?Almost a millon in one year?
It's a lot of money, damn
The only thing that does not to repair is the front camera if pessibile you have to damage it or detach from the motherboard, for your safety
Lol my Wife had new phone for one day…….

Takes 150 to repair each phone? No wonder people don't work for someone else and get paid hourly rate when you can make 120 an hour self employed.
Apple code their parts so they reject fake parts and only acccept pro coded parts from apple
OR – hear me out – we make laws against practises like this. Companies should not bring out products that will be impossibly expensive to fix whenever they – inevitably – break.
Buy a Fairphone4 !
Why stop with cell phones , why not lap tops iPad and apple watches . Also with the option too add after market parts , more memory , better faster prossers and longer battery life ? Sensors that will pickup the wi-fi a block away as to cut down on your cellphone bill.
If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.
I'm not giving anything to that lady to hold, not even a rock.
I would love to do this….need a career change
Everyone should watch Louis Rossmann.
dont learn because i wanna get paid to do it
There are actually 32,889,462 cars on the road, coincidentally, 33 is a common reference to a rather well known homosexual organisation.
It is better to invest now. You will never be younger than you are today and there will never be a perfect time to invest. Due to compounding, which Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world, you can get rich slowly from investing if you do it from a young enough age.
I've always wanted to do this since I was a kid but manufactures make it hard because if everyone gets their phone fixed then they won't be able to sell you their next line of tech for an extortionate price
Just being able(allowed) to change the batteries ourselves would go a long way for me.
I repair PC's. It's getting repair parts that's the problem. After five years parts get harder to find.
Not if Apple has anything to say about it.
Been in mobile phone repair industry since 1999 from philippines, hongkong dubai and was hired to come here in the UK as there are no real technicians here in the UK. Opened my own repair business in the UK runned it for 10 years, 2021 I shutdown my business , its not worth it anymore. Chip manufacturer is in war. This company can only change screen, in our time, we lift surface mounted device IC and replace it with our bare hands. We reprogram chips, we transfer chips from one device to another. Made a lot of money back then.
Unfortunately Apple won't let us. Parts are not interchangeable.
You forgot to mention that brands like Samsung and Apple make finding and buying parts increasingly difficult if not near impossible. Chip manufacturers and screen manufacturers need to sign an agreement not to sell to anyone but the brand.
informative topic.
Louis Rossman can teach us how to do it
Wrong. The most common and cheapest fix is simply being forced into buying a brand new phone.
Trust me in less than ten years phones will be shatterproof
They should make mobile phones out of bakelite, they would last forever.
In 2013 my smartphone had a metal hatch to make replacing the battery easy. Phone lasted me until 2017. My current Samsung has the battery literally glued into to the case, meaning it gets damaged if you try to replace it. What we 'need' is for all phones by law to have easily replaceable batteries. It should not be down to the consumer.
No we need to scrap the whole lot of them and the internet. It is destroying the world and corrupting billions.
FAIRPHONE fixes this
easy display assembly – by everyone
Smartphones aren't designed to be repaired.
Living dead personality
It's not hard at all. The companies rig the repair costs and cause none official parts to break devices
Manufacturers need to be required by law to make smartphones upgradable and repairable. Currently they willfully design smartphones so even the battery cannot be replaced without causing damage to the unit.
250 I was quoted for a screen repair of S9
I can buy a second hand one cheaper- so what is the point?
I actually knew company that was doing screen only repairs at about 50-60 quid. Unfortunately they went under when their machine broke down… but price will be always a deciding factor. If I can buy cheaper, it just doesn’t make sense.
All ppl who blame phone company thinking they make the phone like that so they can break is like saying car company made windshield so they can break lmao. I've been using smartphone for 20 years, I've only drop and broke screen once, i just dont understand how people can be this clumsy but then again people crash their cars easily too so it make sense.