ESPN President John Skipper doesn’t consider eSports as a sport, he mentioned during the Code/Media Series: New York …
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ESPN President John Skipper doesn’t consider eSports as a sport, he mentioned during the Code/Media Series: New York …
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And he is correct
eSports are not sports, face it. This isn't coming off an opinionated view but from the actual dictionary definition. That's it, no arguing. I'm even writing this as someone who loves video games and it's my biggest hobby but I'm not going to call it something it's not. It's the same thing as calling soda a food. Yeah, they are both consumables and I love them but I'm not gonna call it what it isn't, it just makes no sense. It's a drink. The people who want to recognize it as a sport care too much and put there heart into this topic when they are blatantly wrong just from the dictionary. Also, before people say "but chess is a sport" It actually isn't and is recognized as a competition too so that argument doesn't make sense… Racing is a sport too actually because the athletes lose 10 pounds a race usually from being next to the hot engine for so long and they have to be lighter if possible and be able to withstand g-forces. Eating is a sport because you have to be train your stomach and you have to be large to be able to compete. Moving your hands only is not enough for it to be considered physical.
True that. Nascar and Golf aint a sport either.
he's right
You don't say
competition=/=sports. I hate sports, but playing games and getting fat can't be labeled as: athletics.
wat a h8tr, bruh!
Football or soccer as american's call it. Is not a sport,
it's a religion.
So something with the word "sport" in the title isn't a sport? An eSport isn't at least a type of sport? Gee… guess we should just refer to the "Es" then.
Obviously not a sport. If you think it is, I got news for you: you're dumb
I forgive him, he looks ancient
The internet – trolls, idiots, ignorance, and flat out stupidity. XD
That is because the espn president is older than an atari.
So bowling and curling are sports but esports are not? Right.
So if eSports is not a sport does that mean that darts is not a sport?
esports are definitely not a sport, it's a competition. I 100% agree with ESPN. Nothing wrong with esports, but you don't run, jump, catch a ball, or do any real physical exertion that compares with a real athlete.
I can't believe anyone considers video games a sport. I'm a gamer and don't see video games like a sport
Certain video games I think can be considered sports, but others not really.
A highly competitive game that requires teamwork, planning, and technique, like League of Legends or Dota, those can be considered sports. Now if you're telling me CoD or Battlefield are sports, I don't think so because it doesn't take nearly as much as planning, and everyone is kind of on a leveled playing ground, unlike in League where each character has it's own pros and cons.
Plus, if chess and bowling can be considered sports then I think League can as well.
Heck, I also think that fighting games can also be considered as sports since there are so many different techniques and things to memorize, all the while focusing on being flexible and changing your plans in the middle of the fight.
He's 100% correct! Will you people stop calling it e… sports now.
Not surprised. I'm not offended though, I understand it's still early to go through this kind of change. Let's let them go play with real sports for the moment, I just want you guys to know that professional gamers actually pour their lives out practicing to get better in these games. I believe gamers also have the discipline and the mentality to take competition seriously.
tl;dr Sometimes eSports isn't just "fun and games"
I think the president at ESPN is probably that guys who drops doughnuts on ur team when playing cod or jus cant pick up his first kill on a MOBA, even after the 17th tower dive.
eSports is not a sport they play games they dont push there bodies to the limit