This sounds amazing for a planet that does not have water.
Great for an Apocalypse
let that sink for a minute *skips video 2 minutes*
get a dehumidifier for 100 ,take the captured water and put it in a water distiller for 100 table top version, that’s all that machine in the video does but you don’t need filters , that require replacing
3 Dehumidifiers for 1 pound plus filters and they do the same thing…without electricity
Moses West accomplished this, in volumes that would make corporate fascists chock. So they did what they do. Appropriated the tech, shifted it to the military, shuttled the tech to rothrockefellerbildeburg educational constructs to feign R&D; to legally muddle it up, then allowed segments like this to proliferate the net to ensure the public still believe only Jesus; or tod christ, can only accomplish this! Alphabet supe anyone?
Seems water drought is only a big problem for wealthy agricultural farmers and people living in poverty. Can use solar for it. Also A/C condensation water can be used for home plants
make it way bigger, stripe it down to the bone, no cold or hot option…slap on a wind mill for eletricity…use a few nano filters…you have solved the worlds water problem
The opening made me hate you more than hitler you fkn douche loser
Or you could use an existing air conditioner…don't billions of people have air conditioners? Just get the water from the AC instead of buying an atmospheric water generator
It's a shame it needs power
Glorified Humidifier
buy a dehumidifier and a Brita its alot cheaper.
How often should the filter change?
Isn't it just a dehumidifier?
I have a machine I put in my boat every winter. It removes the water from the air …and because I empty the machine twice a day because it does a good job and I guess you could drink the water but you could easily filter it. It's called dehumidifier and its byproduct is heat and water. I guess this Gentalman has modified a dehumidifier and made is making water from the air ..but in the end its a good idea
I farted into the air~~~
Whoever be able to buy a machine like that should just go ahead and buy it because it's not that we running out of water that's f**** crazy like it will run out of people to drink it before they run out of that but they going to actually block the usage of it they're going to contain meaning they going to keep good water and how to create it and then for them to be able to sell it to you in a high price cuz you can't get no other water because they are ruining the water so you can't use it so that way you got to buy it from them if you want something good government always find the f**** way get one of those machines
Price please
It's not magic your just drinking filtered air humidity
Put soler panels on this thing and africa got water
3 Cool Gadgets Under $50 –
This sounds amazing for a planet that does not have water.
Great for an Apocalypse
let that sink for a minute *skips video 2 minutes*
get a dehumidifier for 100 ,take the captured water and put it in a water distiller for 100 table top version, that’s all that machine in the video does but you don’t need filters , that require replacing
3 Dehumidifiers for 1 pound plus filters and they do the same thing…without electricity
Moses West accomplished this, in volumes that would make corporate fascists chock. So they did what they do. Appropriated the tech, shifted it to the military, shuttled the tech to rothrockefellerbildeburg educational constructs to feign R&D; to legally muddle it up, then allowed segments like this to proliferate the net to ensure the public still believe only Jesus; or tod christ, can only accomplish this! Alphabet supe anyone?
Seems water drought is only a big problem for wealthy agricultural farmers and people living in poverty. Can use solar for it. Also A/C condensation water can be used for home plants
make it way bigger, stripe it down to the bone, no cold or hot option…slap on a wind mill for eletricity…use a few nano filters…you have solved the worlds water problem
The opening made me hate you more than hitler you fkn douche loser
Or you could use an existing air conditioner…don't billions of people have air conditioners? Just get the water from the AC instead of buying an atmospheric water generator
It's a shame it needs power
Glorified Humidifier
buy a dehumidifier and a Brita its alot cheaper.
How often should the filter change?
Isn't it just a dehumidifier?
I have a machine I put in my boat every winter. It removes the water from the air …and because I empty the machine twice a day because it does a good job and I guess you could drink the water but you could easily filter it.
It's called dehumidifier and its byproduct is heat and water.
I guess this Gentalman has modified a dehumidifier and made is making water from the air ..but in the end its a good idea
I farted into the air~~~
Whoever be able to buy a machine like that should just go ahead and buy it because it's not that we running out of water that's f**** crazy like it will run out of people to drink it before they run out of that but they going to actually block the usage of it they're going to contain meaning they going to keep good water and how to create it and then for them to be able to sell it to you in a high price cuz you can't get no other water because they are ruining the water so you can't use it so that way you got to buy it from them if you want something good government always find the f**** way get one of those machines
Price please
It's not magic your just drinking filtered air humidity
Put soler panels on this thing and africa got water