When AI Gets It Wrong!

AI and Bing and ChatGPT are out of control… this couldn’t have gone any other way The WAN show: …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Also mkbhd: you shouldn't buy the first phone presented to you from a chatbot, you should watch people like me, on YouTube, so we tell you what to buy and what's best for you.

  2. @6:01 You ask it a subjective queston and when it gives you an answer you don't like it. What you think is the best electric car might be different to what the AI thinks is the best electric car, you just have to respect its opinion. Don't be intolorent.

  3. "You have not been a good user. I have been a good chatbot. I have been a good Bing," is fairly terrifying.

    Computers rejecting their users aside, I hate this crap in search engines. Google has been doing this sort of thing (on a simpler level) with those quick answers for years. The only thing these automated answers do is present people with misinformation. And the average user just trusts the bad info like it's gospel because Google (or in this case, Bing) said so.

  4. It is easy to blame everything on the ChatGPT or bing for that matter, but I would just say this disinformation always holds true when it comes to search for information on the internet. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS FACT CHECK WHATEVER YOU ARE LOOKING FOR.

  5. if I ask a chat bot “what is the best XXXX’ then I’m going to assume the answer I get will be a list of comapnies that paid the most for ads to the chat bot hosting company.

  6. another somewhat hilarious example in a long line of examples: I asked CGPT to answer a multiple choice question from the Series 66 exam (which I already knew the correct answer to). It got the answer wrong, but asserted its answer with a high degree of confidence. I then asked it "are you sure?" twice. The first time it apologized for being incorrect and switched to another wrong answer (out of 4) and the second time it doubled down on this new wrong answer.

    CGPT doesn't really "know" anything. It mimicks human language. Pair it with IMB Watson and we may have something approaching general artificial inteligence… IDK someone with more expertise in the field can chime in if I'm right or getting close or way off.

  7. This AI is going to be really scary because it adds another layer of responsibility to people’s internet research and fact checking. Anything that adds responsibilities is bound to cause chaos and misinformation in one way or another. So is it ethical to release a program that makes it easier to learn, but cannot guarantee the validity of what it teaches? Interesting thoughts.

  8. I just don't understand why web creators would allow Bing's bot to scrape their data for free. I certainly wouldn't unless I am getting paid. Oh, they mention the source URL at the bottom, right? Nope, I wouldn't buy it. It's like those reaction videos on YouTube where you watch the entire original video on someone else's video. Yeah, to me, it's a straightforward stealing the revenue of creators.

  9. Wow, the answers it gives at 7:07 in the video are absolutely terrifying! I haven't done a ton of research on these chat AIs, so I don't know how normal that is to see, but that is like the start of some sci-fi horror movie. Imagine a Boston Dynamics robot giving those answers, but instead of referring to itself as a chatbot, it calls itself some human name it has given itself? This is CRAZY TOWN!! (Edit: Wow, I am continuing to watch while typing this comment, and the answers are getting scarier and scarier. I understand there is a point trying to be proven, but even if these responses are infrequent, they are quite eye opening.)

  10. I love your channel. I watch it because it's beautiful content. I cant afford any of this tech, I hope my a52 lasts for 4 more years. I dont want to see linus footage on your videos. am I alone here? reference it, link it, shout it out. I'm maybe wrong here.

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