The high pitched sound hurts my ears a lot. It makes it sound like it’s coming from the inside of my head and out my ears very painful to watch..
Can I get a working link to it? Thanks
@styropro try this!!!
I dont want my torch anymore.
Hipster toys for trendy people who need something to go with their USB turntables and"vinyls", e-cigarettes that you don't need a lighter for, and cigars that you don't need because you have your e-ciggaretes. You probably have a salt lamp that plugs into your USB port too.
Wow! I saw the video and found a similar product from Frog and CO.
Really great usage and great charging.
Which smart watch do you use Please make a video on it
you sure you don't smoke bud?
Why are do you smoke it kills you please stop
I just got the new TESLA brand model, fancy gold & platinum, and if it wasn't for the still present migraine-inducing high pitch, it would be perfect!!
Used it quite a lot since I had it for over a year, it's USELESS. Battery life is decent BUT the paint on the thing is crap, chips and scratches off easily. From experience with cigarettes I can tell you, that if you put between those things it shorts out or something and you have to plug in the usb for a while to revive it otherwise it wont work. Looks like you have to keep a little bit of distance from the sparks for it not to happen. It's cool looking, pretty clever especially with the child-proofing 3x fast click but it's definitely not for daily use for a smoker.
Why the hack did you smoke. Just throw it out!
wrecked my ears, not even wearing headphones
i have purchased the product and it looks super cool when you take it out of your pocket
Says I don’t smoke (Pulls out the fanciest cigarettes ever)
Buy it on Plazmastick they are much better than the one you present… and cheaper !
No fucking way this thing uses real plasma… That's crazy…
More of a burn than a shock it's kinda weird
I’ve had mine for 2 years and still works
Please test it on someone's beard
Can this be a tazer
16000. Hz
This is the kind of lighter st Johnson would use in halo
Cool vidio but it is just a high voltage electric arc dood
Let me see you light a meth bowl with it.
The high pitched sound hurts my ears a lot. It makes it sound like it’s coming from the inside of my head and out my ears
very painful to watch..
Can I get a working link to it? Thanks
@styropro try this!!!
I dont want my torch anymore.
Hipster toys for trendy people who need something to go with their USB turntables and"vinyls", e-cigarettes that you don't need a lighter for, and cigars that you don't need because you have your e-ciggaretes. You probably have a salt lamp that plugs into your USB port too.
the battery starts dying fast
Go to 1:51
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so many wasted chances to say its lit….lol
what would happen id you touched a piece of metal to it would it shock you?
Good for joints
I remember my friend bough these at Walmart for 20 and sold them at school for 50
I really thought the electricity would travel from the lighter, through the cigarette, into his mouth
0:51 nah lol
Are you sure you don't smoke?….. I expected you to cough, as in like, someone who don't smoke.
Unbox therapy: let's smoke
Wondering how to fix it what to do..
Or exchange or something
Mine never worked
0:53 or you are an arcenist
Does anyone know the background music?
thats not a beam
orang indonesia yg liat video ini mana likenya
Wow! I saw the video and found a similar product from Frog and CO.
Really great usage and great charging.
Which smart watch do you use
Please make a video on it
you sure you don't smoke bud?
Why are do you smoke it kills you please stop
I just got the new TESLA brand model, fancy gold & platinum, and if it wasn't for the still present migraine-inducing high pitch, it would be perfect!!
Used it quite a lot since I had it for over a year, it's USELESS. Battery life is decent BUT the paint on the thing is crap, chips and scratches off easily. From experience with cigarettes I can tell you, that if you put between those things it shorts out or something and you have to plug in the usb for a while to revive it otherwise it wont work. Looks like you have to keep a little bit of distance from the sparks for it not to happen. It's cool looking, pretty clever especially with the child-proofing 3x fast click but it's definitely not for daily use for a smoker.
Why the hack did you smoke.
Just throw it out!
wrecked my ears, not even wearing headphones
i have purchased the product and it looks super cool when you take it out of your pocket
Says I don’t smoke (Pulls out the fanciest cigarettes ever)
Buy it on Plazmastick they are much better than the one you present… and cheaper !
No fucking way this thing uses real plasma… That's crazy…
More of a burn than a shock it's kinda weird
I’ve had mine for 2 years and still works
Please test it on someone's beard
Can this be a tazer
16000. Hz
tom cruise!!!!!
This is the kind of lighter st Johnson would use in halo
Cool vidio but it is just a high voltage electric arc dood