Plenty of mainstream games are special, but only a select few in recent memory have no imitators. Here are some unique AAA …
Plenty of mainstream games are special, but only a select few in recent memory have no imitators. Here are some unique AAA …
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How do u not have ghost of tsushima lol
What does AAA mean?
no red dead?
saying GOW 2018 has an influential combat system without acknowledge it'd heavily from software inspired seems kinda unfair
I had someone describe Doom: Eternal as a rhythm shooter, and I thought they were absolutely stupid.
Then the next time I sat down to play it, I realized they were actually right. The flow state you get into honestly does feel like you're keeping a rhythm.
Eventho I am an absolute KH fan, I would not put KH3 on this list. Maybe only for the fact, that it is the first time Pixar was involved, but other than that, the franchise is old enough and has dozens of games, and there are a bunch of games that tried to immitate the formula. It's not unique and even one of the weaker entries in the franchise, all the 'spectacles' aside.
But eventho I think the game doesn't belong on this list, I'm glad it gets some love <3
Of course Elden Ring is here. I’m so tired. This channels become garbage. I’ll only be watching Jakes Friday shows
I loved DOOM 2016 but when Eternal came out I could not get into it.
After a bit i played it again and it clicked . Feels a lot more like a puzzle than you would imagine.
Oh man, here I go playing control again
I love this guy. Voice is a younger Louis C. K
Doom is not an old franchise? Prob the oldest game on this list.
I really think Control is so underrated. And people dont talk about it much. Its freaking amazing game.
Love these vids! You guys always help me find good games to try (like Control and Nier Automata)
All i heard was Triple A space
If sea of thieves would make private servers I would love to play it more but having all your hard work ruined by other players is really upsetting
Remedy are easily top 5 devs in the bizz.
Doom Eternal pissed me off to where I quit the game altogether because of that one fucking jump. I tried about 5 to 7 times and it just kept pissing me off.

Eye-terating lol
I just finished Control for the first time and man what a game!!!!!
OK someone made a game 30 years it everyone's mind is blown now it looks better no new nothing but instead of paying £25 it's 60 oh why not pffft
Elden Ring is "mostly just iterating on concepts introduced in previous games" made by FromSoftware… so let's add it to a list of unique games?
Really you didn’t add Horizon Forbidden West? You know nothing of games
Nothing relevant in this list. Anyways next.
How's Splatoon not in this list?
Kingdom hearts 3 sucked especially compared to kh2
I think your definition of AAA is a little loose. You don't just get to decide if something is AAA or not based on how good it was. Triple A is defined as a game that A) Comes from a developer worth more than 100 million market cap. 2A) cost more than 10-20 million dollars for development 3A)Has a marketing budget of at least 5-10 million dollars. That puts total game cost anywhere above $25 million. There should be a category for SUPER triple A for games that cost more than 100 million because we are getting into a time when a few games cost astronomical cost to make as opposed to your normal AAA title.
Every FromSoftware game fits the profile as a AAA game. Implying that Sonic Frontiers was not a tripe A is borderline bad journalism. The developer cut a lot of corners and the game turned out rather mid, but that doesn't mean it didn't cost tens of millions to produce and market by publisher SEGA.
If you want to talk games on the bubble, The original Witcher 1 was NOT a AAA. CD Prjoect Red did not have ANY market cap when they made it. Witcher 2 was borderline as it only cost about 20 million total, and Witcher 3 was absolutely AAA because it cost close to 100 million with marketing. Today its crazy to think that Witcher 2 was a BBB game with how good it looked and played.
Stop referring to god of war 2018 as a reboot it's literally a continuation of the same story
Stop referring to god of war 2018 as a reboot it's literally a continuation of the same story
How about Kingdom Come Deliverance…is it considered AAA?
Prey's Moon Crash DLC was far more original than Deathloop.
make one video with games of the last 10 years
The dark souls games absolutely are triple a games
Elden Ring is a weird one. Cool game and I've finished it 4 times for the PS4 and PS5 platinum, but I still couldn't name all the mandatory bosses.
Have I been saying iterate wrong my entire life?
nice list except elden ring is a AAAA game
As someone who haven't played FF7:
IMO they've turned one game into a >260€ trilogy (unless they copy the HP/Twilight films and make a 2-part of the last one, then it's probably a 340€ tetralogy).
FYI "iterating" is pronounced "ih-terating" not "eye-terating"