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About the Author: Mik Zenon


  1. MikZ: Toilet seat cloth stickers
    Lawyer: Your Honor, he doesn't know about bacteria, and filth. Forgive him…..
    MikZ: …AND silicon loofas to kill bacteria.

  2. Look, we middle aged people had fuzzy toilet seats growing up, and there's a reason we discontinued that atrocity.

  3. The cadence and word accentuation… Did this guy just make a personal vocal profile, so he can just run it through a bad AI script-to-speech generator or something? It's unnerving; too close to a native English speaker for it to sound like a non-native or computerized speaker, but NOBODY talks like that. It's so confusing and bothersome.

  4. Bruh, a cold toilet seat is physically uncomfortable but a warm toilet seat is mentally uncomfortableโ€ฆI prefer my cold toilet seat thank you very much ๐Ÿซฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Youโ€™ll need that bacteria killing loofa for all the germs you picked up from the cloth toilet seats

  6. Me coming to the comments to read the angry rants about fuzzy toilets

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