Hogwarts Legacy: How to Open Arithmancy Puzzle Doors

Hogwarts Legacy: How to Open Arithmancy Puzzle Doors

If you’ve explored Hogwarts, there’s a good chance you have encountered the large wooden puzzle doors that are surrounded by …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. There is a cypher page for those puzzles??? Never thought they needed one since they are quite straight forward tbh. You can even make out some numbers from the pictures f. e. that snake has 3 heads, unicorn has one horn etc

  2. Your teacher, Professor Eleazar Fig, dies at the end of Hogwarts Legacy. This happens in all possible endings and can't be changed. Oh and Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne

  3. Only if the kids in this country would focus on their school work and real mathematics and science like they do with this fantasy crap we would have an awesome flourishing generation 🐸 🍵

  4. The fact that it's 0-9 rather than 1-10 just tells you that a coder worked this in and the dev or tester just totally didn't even try and play test the puzzle doors 😂

  5. This game is giving me mixed feelings, and not for the reason people might think.

    Lip sync seems off, facial animations are apparently pretty bad and the voice acting is hit or miss.

  6. Professor Eleazar Fig, dies at the end – this happens in all possible endings and cannot be changed.
    Rockwood was the one who cursed Anne and the goblins were framed for it!

  7. JK Rowling did nothing wrong!!! The real bigots and dangerous people are the ones who are complaining and protesting this game over something that isn’t even real lol

    Glad this game is KILLING IT!!!! already 16 hours in and having a blast

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