Check out the first 25 minutes of gameplay for Hogwarts Legacy, the new game set in the Harry Potter universe. Combat, story …
Check out the first 25 minutes of gameplay for Hogwarts Legacy, the new game set in the Harry Potter universe. Combat, story …
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Boring there's no action just talk talk talk
2019 graphics…
Everyone in here acting like JK Rowling didn't create this world and isn't transphobic
Ninja theory video games are awesome
This is a love letter to all harry potter fans, even if your not a gamer you can just watch gameplay for the story and still be entertained
10:41 typical of me
looking for lot first.
First 25 minutes of cutscenes
Love the effort!
Getting goosebumps from the vibes I'm getting just from watching the first 25 minutes. Holy, this game is going to be amazing!
the auto subtitles turns portkey into porky
Damn thats awesome
looks like AoT character
hopefully its possible to turn of the hud icons, im not tryna play one of those games.
Can't wait to play it!!!
Thanks Joanne Rowling for this world
Better then fornite
Thanks for the eye
opening informations. For someone like me earning over $9,000 dollars every single week on crypto market is a big gain
great job about First 25 Minutes of Gameplay from Hogwarts Legacy The Video Game
Looks pretty but too sterile for my taste, devs took no rosk
Where is gameplay here? Just cinematic
It looks boring but ppl go hype it any way
Why the minimap is looking so cheap???
im guessing this is way way before Dumbledore? Or way way after Potter?
Gotta hand it to IGN; not one part of the buffalo goes wasted
"he's just resting"
"in pieces! that man is dead"
"so sleepy"
holy moly! what was happing in that chamber!!???
Going back to hogwards mates!
"When you drink a wiggenweld position it replenishes all your health. Remarkable isn't it?"
Is there a syncing issue with the face movements and voice?
Wow, when
you see that guy die and the thestrals become visible, that's an amazing touch
Don’t buy this game people J. K. Rowling is a transphobe!!
Pretty interesting that you can get liberals to fund fascism so long as it comes in the form of a product. Yeah, keep consuming drones.
Us suddenly gaining the ability to see Thestrals was a nice touch.
this is the most hyped/anticipated game in a while