Knock at the Cabin reviewed by Matt Donato Knock at the Cabin fails to knock the classic cabin in the woods horror methods out …
Knock at the Cabin reviewed by Matt Donato Knock at the Cabin fails to knock the classic cabin in the woods horror methods out …
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This movie was carried by the acting. It is not what you’re expecting but to be honest it’s a very interesting movie.
M knight Needs to retire this is just lame
Respectfully disagree with this review, bloody enjoyed this and the pacing was fantastic. This one will linger
If you are taking IGN seriously
Then something is wrong with you for sure
The twist is that there is no twist.
Whatever… This movie deserves to be watched because of Baptista! He's killing it
This movie is the epitome of dirty dogwater
This review is spot on. Just left the theater minutes ago, was hoping it was just me. M. Nights one of my favorite directors, will still support his films….but man was this movie predictable and hollow.
M Night is overrated.
Saw the movie today and it was AMAZING! The message the movie sets by the end is beautiful! There were a lot of people crying at the theater, me included haha
IGN has terrible reviews. This is no exception. The movie was awesome
It’s a M Night movie so I’ll wait till it comes out on peecock for free
The girl gets shot
just got home; this felt like it could go one of two ways up until the last 15 minutes and unfortunately they went the wrong way
Paul Sherman and Steve Desmond have no writing experience according to their IMDB. Why does Hollywood keep doing this? Perfect example is Disney with the Star Wars franchise.
Trust me guys, it's G@y

Plot twist, it’s not a 7/10.
most other reviews are praising the movie
How does shamalama still get funding for movies?
An overhyped and then mediocre Shyamalan movie??? Preposterous!!!!!!
Is it 7?
This guy should be reviewing all the movie
This review is subjective
Nobody posting the score? A 5
I'm still going to watch it.
Another woke p.o.s.
M night is the new michael bay
If only it was a continuation of cabin in the woods, now that would be cool.
Is it better than The Last Airbender though?
Can’t trust IGN these days
The point of the book is that the proof that the group wants the family to accept that end of the world is happening is just some basic natural disasters that happen all the time.
Moron just explained the whole film
Something tells me if the couple weren't two men, everyone would be singing its praises about how tense and exciting it is.
Highly critical review considering you guys reviewed Thor love and thunder so highly on such meagre merits..
I'm predicting one of two possible plot twist endings:
A) The cult is right, and by defying and/or killing them, the world DOES end.
B) The cult is wrong, and when the family fights back, nothing happens.
Not a 7
What a twist?! He blew it!
Maaaannnn, this Shyamalan guy needs to try new genres

Plot twist: Bautista is not really in the movie. He stands so still that he is invisible to the human eye
The animal is No actor…He is way worse then dwayne Cena or even the hulkster…Like zoolander…He has only.."one Look"!!..

Been looking 4ward 2 this, seems sufficiently creepy
Lol, shamaladingdong….
One day I'll make a movie that just stops trying with the names and calls itself Cabin.
SUCH a great concept. But looks bad.
Thanks for saving me few hours of my life
Cookie cutter review.