Watch our Dead Space Remake preview. Dead Space is largely a purist’s remake, but its smart changes could potentially make it …
Watch our Dead Space Remake preview. Dead Space is largely a purist’s remake, but its smart changes could potentially make it …
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The way you say "about" is funny.
The funniest thing about this Remake that it's gonna be better in most aspects compared to Callisto Protocol.
Turning isaac's face into a Unity generic_male_character asset is the biggest offense of this remake
Ok so it’s confirmed that this is even more pointless than initially believed.
the callisto protocol tanked so lets see if todays generation of gamers can stand games like this
Please dont support EA taking content from the original creator
I’m completely sold. This actually looks amazing and I’m glad they added so much more to it.
I’m currently playing the original dead space right now, still amazing, can’t wait to see the improvements
Remakes aren't 70 dollars worth but a reboot would have been
This looks absolutely amazing. The gun that blew off all the flesh was awesome. Seeing the skeletons get up was cool as hell. Can't wait.
Hoping they remake the 2nd and specially the 3rd game.
guns looks a bit overpowered now, more like we are cleaning the station, not trying to survive
Doesn’t look like it’s 85% the same at all. Looks like they really made substantial changes.
"The game contains aliens. 7.5/10"
Gonna be weird hearing isaac being scared
look so much better and excited to play
Make us whole! Altman be praised!
Really want to play this but it’s too expensive was expecting £50 will wait sale or till goes into EA play
This game reminds me of my trip to NY.
Where Old Isaac Clark
If they actually removed the turret sections then this is the best possible remake imaginable.
Considering backtracking was already part of the original game as several locations are visited twice, it already has an organic way for exploration
If this game does wel, we could very well one day see a rework of DS3 and even possibly a continuation with DS4!
This looks great, as someone who has never played dead space before this experience is all the more new
He says the force gun only used to be a push back weapon
He was obviously playing the game totally wrong all them years ago
Effects look 2D, remaster? Or remake..? It’s EA so, you know it’s a money grab. I’m calling it rn just from this gameplay alone you can tell shader comp is gonna be an issue just like Calisto
Is there any gun/armor crafting (similar to Division) or guns are available everywhere (similar to COD)?
unfortunately its not available on ps4
£60 is a ridiculous price. Definitely waiting a few weeks for the price to drop.
More of a remaster than a remake. If it's 85%
EA DONT YOU MESS THIS UP FOR ME. It better be well optimized and stable.
Great preview, guys. Looking forward to this. Though, I've played DS like three times… $70 price tag might be a bit steep. The new bit of content does sound enticing though
"Why remake Dead Space?"
Because trying to capture that magic again is what Callisto Protocol is. And guess what, it failed.
I'm glad they changed the ADS cannon thing. That was one of the most frustrating parts of the game.
The concept of Unitology and their beliefs about the marker were introduced in the second chapter of the original game.
This game better get a 10. And please support this game. My all time favorite game!
The features that this guy likes just proves what a loser in life he is.
Another trailer for this game is gonna show every new bit of gameplay by then we won’t even need to play the game ign just stop it’s a amazing game we don’t need to see the whole thing being played before it’s even out
Tell me the stasis cheat is still here…
It looks amazing
O jogo está maravilhoso, mas para ficar perfeito tem que ter dublagem em português do Brasil

Quer vender mais? Dublagem BRASILEIRA!!!
The Force Gun was always a beast till it was nerfed silly in 3. Haven't made the jump to next Gen yet, but this is the one that might finally get me to. Original series was hands down my favorite games.
Resident evil is alright compared to dead space imo
First Witcher now dead space remake yay
Never played it, can't f ing wait