Drone’s Camera Caught Something Incredible Original Video Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmf_Gi1btX0&t=322s …
Drone’s Camera Caught Something Incredible Original Video Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmf_Gi1btX0&t=322s …
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Anything living in that water when that bomb went off is now dead. Not a rough day,but dead.
Flamingo migratory routes bring them together like that.
And I read where they blew up a mermaid camp site under water
The navy blew up a star gate in the ocean, u think they doing shock resistance testing, naw buddy they doing missions
That was a good one, so relaxing!
Dude Why You In The Comments Talking About How Much Someone Gives You In Profit. If You Don't Take Your Dusty Ass To The New Moon You Better…………..
I can’t afford a hummer lol I have an older Toyota RAV4 with AWD
Go Bills

Most of these clips are NOT drone video footage BUT very cool and entertaining clips.
Yuck the ants
eating the pastry 1 crumb , then sneaking out 1 at a time, is one thing..BUT those are REAL PASTRY! Yuck eating and not knowing!. Eating an ant Yuck
Another great video L…
Swimming bird was dope!
But the normal people are fucking up the earth not the goverment with exploding things under water that fixing the earth i suposse thats them going green
Maybe have a look out for a series called ancient apocalypse on Netflix. There's also some interesting joe rogan podcasts with Graham Hancock and Randall Carleson.
Think it will be right up you're street.
I'm from buffalo nd a Hummer would've got stuck too lol we had big snow plow trucks get stuck
Hey Matthews fam. Love y'all. React to some Stalecracker videos. He's a Cajun chef from Louisiana
Even with the current dip in the market I'm still glad can smile back at my portfolio of $32,500 built from my weekly trade.
I’m 61 and the video at 4:10 with the car is wicked.
Happy New Year to you and Queen
None of this is done footage, sorry bruh,!!!!
Cell phone better unlock itself .. sitting here trying to text with a cracked screen, and 500 cellphone later sitting in my closet
not chanching that at all!!
Uniti IT ran out of battrey.
Looks like a philly street. Snow and hummers.
That is so breathe taking it look like they're riding on water with bike's but the only problem I would have is if I was going to fall in a hole that I didn't see lol like that video of the boy who was fully dressed and they dare him to jump in the puddle but it wasn't a puddle his whole body went in they did him dirty LoL
As soon as u said that I'm thinking to myself like okay what happened to incredible drone footage LoL
America's answer to everything, Blow it up.
They've most probably just killed quite a lot of marine life. Just By just 1 blast. not only the blast Its self but the shock wave after. from UK

an old cockney gal
Paid 11 dollars for my son's phone and I am gonna take his phone away because of this damn video
I think it's a broken phone, but he might just be stupid enough on the other hand
apart of me want to see him cry over it.
Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge.

K-19 suffered a nuclear accident which irradiated the crew and killed most of them eventually. Tragic.
Bro you gotta stop with the click bait and get back to the real that’s why yo video don’t do numbers people got tired of you using click bait out of desperation for what reason we all will never know the content is good as it is your a good host stop giving yourself a bad rep by click baiting and just be real about the content you feel we are interested it we won’t be mad unsubscribe over it lol you making me not even wanna watch yo videos when I see the thumb and nothing in your video shows what I click on to see
Bro what happen to our traditional moment of silence for the haters?!?!
Not much drone footage here, but an entertaining video.
What I want to know is who counts the flamingos?