Civil War 1864: A Virtual Reality Experience, Full Version, Modified to Remove Notification Sounds
Some viewers have asked for a version of this VR experience that have no notification sounds (that alert you to the pop-up …
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awesome beyond awesome
When the guys were running, point the view 3'o clock and watch the shells come at you more.
Garry and APT make more!
Gettysburg moved too fast for trenches to be constructed, how different would the outcome be and how long would the war have lasted with a stalemate of fortifications?
Superb. How about firing lines and volley fire for future videos.
I found this educational, largely emotionally as opposed to logically. Things didn't make sense, and I suppose that's how it was. Sometimes things get out of hand, and whether you intended to or not, you end up on the front line of a situation entirely out of your control.
Well done. I liked the sergeant's comment:"no good deed goes unpunished". That happened to me in the Army 50 years ago.
I LOVE this!!
Wow, just happened by this on accident, I'm a gamer and have never had VR, like being there, amazing…
How did you create this?
I just cannot take the distortions of 360 degree video. I dislike never knowing where in that circle to be watching.
Amazing stuff!
That was AWESOME! Thank you!
Great documentary. I was there.
Thanks . Very interesting 3D!
Why is it all diagonal ? Poorly done it gives me a headache
I just need to know who did the fife and drum cover of the bonnie blue flag cause it slaps
Very cool. An interesting way to get the viewer into the scene
Brilliant, really enjoyed it.
His/story is is a narrative we believe or use to atleast. Once you’re awake you start seeing alot of our history is a narrative, told by the victor of the early 1800’when our current civilization started again.
It's a good thing I was in a swiveling office chair. It made the 360° aspect of this a lot easier to view. Another great offering from our friends at The American Battlefield Trust.
Dang! I think I picked up some VR lice from the VR experience.
The treaty of Versailles between England and America said if any 1 state did not like the way goverment was running they could leave the union. Abe Lincoln was the aggressor and had no right to start war. What will the United States do when Texas leaves
Ya, don't take Markowitz
Beautifully done! As a Canadian fascinated with the US Civil War (thank you Ken Burns) this was like a Christmas gift in the month of June.
More please.
This is wow.
mentally preparing for ww3 by taking lsd and watching this
Deo Vindice!
we bullied them so hard they removed the sounds
. 01:40 I truly hope the guys waving hats over the barricade to draw fire were not so dumb as this guy, who is drawing fire RIGHT ON TOP of his sniper. Even in the Cub Scouts playing army with crab apple 'rifles' we were smart enough to draw fire 10 feet away from our snipers, and not right down their throats.
Well done. I could watch this multiple times, going back and seeing what I missed.
I hat SO DEPRESSED whoever I watch/see ANY Civil War vids….
Simply wonderful!
The graphics for War of Rights 2 is absolutely incredible!
Thank you!!
Well, this is an experience like no other on YouTube. I like how it puts you right in the thick of it with the troops and officers. What an amazing recreation. It feels like you're there. When I worked out I could move the camera with the WASD keys it was a lot easier btw.
"General Shermans marauding Union Army"…. Tell me you're a sore loser without telling me you're a sore loser