The Science of VR – Virtual Reality Explained (VR180)

The Science of VR - Virtual Reality Explained (VR180)

Does VR fool your brain into thinking it’s really there? When done well, Virtual Reality makes you actually FEEL like you’re in a …


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About the Author: Socratica


  1. Very nice video i loved it, you are a very nice teacher and a Youtuber, teacher because you explain nicely, your videos are very informative, and you show nice gestures and you are very smart indeed, i am a big astrophysics and astronomy enthusiast and your video satisfies the hunger of my curiosity, i am a new subscriber to your channel and my best wishes are with you so that your channel community grows. ALL THE BEST

  2. Your a having great videos u can make a lot more ..I expect a lot 😉…. recently your not posting more videos but I think …in near future I can see a lot from u guys

  3. I believe that you got the crossing at the optical chiasm wrong. The temporal side of the retina never cross, but the nasal side does, which means that one side of your brain sees everything that you have on your left whereas the other sees everything you have on your right (one inside and one outside retina part on each side of the brain and not both inside or both outside as you say in the video).

    This is text from Wikipedia:
    The crossing over of optic nerve fibres at the optic chiasm allows the visual cortex to receive the same hemispheric visual field from both eyes.

  4. This was the top hit when I searched "chomsky jfk". Just goes to show that Chomsky's continued denial and cover-up of the 11/22/63 coup against the publicly elected and extraordinarily popular Kennedy has now reached cyberneural proportions.

  5. This explains how 3D works, not VR. 3D has been around for about 100 years. VR is the added effect of immersion, looking around at the virtual world that surrounds you.

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