10 Outdated Rocket League Tips To STOP DOING in 2023

DM Me “SPRING” On Discord: https://www.grandchamproadmap.info/trainingclub In this tutorial, I cover 10 Rocket League tips …


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About the Author: SpookLuke


  1. idk about gc and above, but tip#1 i disagree with for below gc, on kick off, cheat or boost both lead to getting scored scored on the same amount, sitting net and then reacting to how kick off went seems to be the better option, your reasoning for cheat over boost i also disagree with, if your teammate knows how to kick of then they can direct it to the boost you go for most the time which is a even better option because you then have ball + boost

  2. So my defense in platinum has not been getting any better if anything it’s been getting worse and people keep beating me by a lot of goals and I keep making bad decisions. Do you have any tips to help me improve my defending?

  3. Aight demos meta, I'm done with RL, it's just annoying to go and chill while the other guys keeps trying to demo me

  4. Just for reference tip no.8 doesnt apply if your overall goal is to go pro in the future like me. Putting yourself in situations where you are going for stuff way out of your reach forces you to learn how to recover from screwing up and increases your overall ability to pull off more risky plays, but if your goal is to go from plat to diamond whiffing a ground to air dribble as last man is just gonna get you scored on. Hope this helps!

  5. I don't get one thing though. Whenever I try to follow these tips I end up losing so many games and when I am just autopiloting, kinda chasing I am winnining. I am d3-c3 btw… (ye, i derank a lot, and gain a lot becuase i wanna start play smarter but it just wont work)

  6. I really f*cked myself putting my reverse as down on my stick, it's shaped my play style but I'm having to now relearn using a button because it was causing problems 😂

  7. now see, i agree that demos have become a better tactic in the ne meta, but, they are also seen as toxic and annoying to alot of players. but if you dot care about that then yes demos aree, REALLY good.

  8. You say outdated or just wrong… maybe you're wrong! Are u the best player in the world? No you're not… don't call people out for being wrong or outdated when this could be your video too.

    No need to say people are wrong just to get views…

    You're wrong.

  9. I do training packs daily before I play, look thru the custom ones and you will find some good stuff, there's lots of packs I've trained with that I actually use in games

  10. Playing 1v1 helps to show the value in retaining possession and taking control, rather than just hitting stuff away and trying to make the opponent awkward. I think it is very helpful.

  11. Disagree with no.7 to some extent. Noticed a lot of new players have an inability to power clear. It doesn't mean; use it all the time, but being able to is important

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