High on Life reviewed by Travis Northup on Xbox Series X|S, also available on PC. The latest from Rick and Morty creator Justin …
High on Life reviewed by Travis Northup on Xbox Series X|S, also available on PC. The latest from Rick and Morty creator Justin …
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Who, oh ok! Was just thinking Rick and Morty.
1:01 is the gun watching the movie too? Fantastic!!
It's Red letter media doing the commentary. Mike, Jay and our lord and savior Rich Evans.
just waiting for a Rick and Morty game like no mans sky
Great review!
It’s an 8
a 10? lmao
Why do you have no mods on any of the guns? Weird way to play it.
So is a 10 or an 8?
Funniest game since Bad Fur Day
So fun while stoned
IGN – well done
They actually got me with the end!
Spot on review, I'm a couple of hours into the game and while it's got it's issues I'm having a lot of fun playing it!
Absolutely LOVING this game!!!
The perfect stoner game!
It deserves GOTY in my opinion its such unique and addicting game!
The fact he gave it an 8 even after having performance issues on Xbox shows how much he really loved it.
"Doesn't actually get you high" : 8
Whats funny is when you first time in combat with kenny and you pause the game he will go mad and said “why tf you paused the game”
This reviewer serisously spoiled everything in this damn review
"LETS DO IT!" 10/10 Must Play
It's like Trover Saves The Universe. The comedy is similar and they are both hilarious!
Not to mention, even the aliens looks similar.
Gotta love a review that basically says "The gameplay is mediocre, but it's funny. 10/10"
It’s really great to see games that aren’t afraid to take risks.If we don’t appreciate such games,we would only get remakes remasters
Bro, all the tv ads are funny and they have a full movie with Denise Richards and Paul walker lol
Very Journey to the Savage Planet vibes
Xbox wins
Would’ve never thought I’d hear a Mr Plinkett cameo in an IGN review
9:17 wow IGN actually did a funny joke.
Phil your divorce lawyer would be very proud of this score. He would do a double jump of joy if he could
This game is absolutely amazing
It's been a long time since a video game made me laugh this much
a 10 they are insane
PlayStation… When?
This game has kept me in stitches since I've been playing.
This game sucka
Pc port has the horrible shader compilation stutter. Not cool!