Check out the full RedStream where members of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition development team go over in great …
Check out the full RedStream where members of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition development team go over in great …
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Use that energy to make Witcher 4! I hate when these companies keep releasing the same game.
Camera option was badly needed
but what about the switch version???
can this be played on Steam Deck?
Next gen update shown on pc tf
Will we be able to upgrade and then resume a saved game with these new features?
Infinite NG+ please!!!!
Dude the mods for this already made it next gen. The mods did what the studio could not, finish the game to its full potential.
Other than the horrible Netflix designs everything about this update looks awesome.
did they fix the trees
December 14.
The only true next gen update that I've seen is Marvel's Spiderman on PS5. Everything else has been lazy or the same.
Hope control not clunky
Toss a coin…..
Wish we got the nvidia hairworks beard on console. Looks so much better.
Two huge updates would be making the Wolf School gear available before Kaer Morhen and making the hood optional on the Grandmaster Feline gear.
Wtf happened to cyberpunk….
60 frames on ps5?
Make the wolf school gear available earlier!
Is there going to be transmog??
Finally gonna play this game!
wonder if dualsense will be supported on pc
Im afraid of woman with blue painted hair🥶🥶🥶woke
Blue hair woman annoying
This is misinformation. This is a current gen update for the PS5 and Xbox 2019 releases.
Somethings are worth going back to!
Hats off to the developers for not making a lazy next gen port! I'm looking forward to Dec. 14th.
This interview was so awkward but it’s nice to see what they have brought to the table
On console 1440p quality mod with vrr could be a nice touch
Alt Geralt options for TW2 and TW1 heads and added hairstyles at the barber would be dope
Omg this looks amazing. I’m so hyped for the update to come out. Been waiting for 2 years.
Can we get a blood borne next gen update plz🙏🏽
Can we have a psvr 2 upgrade? All PSVR Fans please like so they can see this
This game is gonna win game of the decade lol
Can we have a psvr 2 upgrade?
Finally!! Cross save progression
Will it get a million bugs like cyberpunk?
Please, tell me the font is bigger now. The small fonts in menus and conversation this game has is ridiculous.
anyone know if you can change the camera angle on next gen or only pc?
No wonder this next generation consoles is a flop. A bunch of remastered games
Better than GTA update and this is free
Well looks like it's time to reinstall again.
The Greatest feature of this update is iy being "FREE". Big thumbs up to CD Project RED for not abandoning their supporters!
Looking forward to CDPR doing something right
This is what a truly next gen game patch looks like…!!!