There is no punishment for violating the Constitution so why not do it.
keep up the dood work
They don't want to Respect the Constitution or the People
Please keep the information and conversation going
Unconstitutional, Scotus already ruled on this. Go after the criminals. Biden has no clue that it won’t keep people safe. Criminals and mentally I’ll don’t follow laws.
If you dont see this as important, then see what is going on in China right now.
Thank you for covering this!
Great video. Thank you
I’m glad the state is doing this. It forces the state to go to scotus. And they either rule correctly or stack up
For those unaware the California assault weapon ban has been found unconstitutional and have been overturned, as for what happens from here nobody knows yet but as of now it’s overturned.
CHINA NOW HAS POLICE STATION in America they want America disarmed then you no what comes after that.
Good work
Somebody out there please define “ ASSAULT WEAPON!” Remember, a brick can be an assault weapon DEPENDING ON HOW IT IS USED! Don’t let leftist democrat terminology disarm you!!
Ppl of Delaware should doxx the author and supporters of anti 2A legislation.
Get a few disposable phones, program in the numbers, write a script, and pass them around the VFW.
*holds up a blank piece of paper in protest*
We thank you for keeping us informed about all the news and law suits about the 2nd Amendment !
Lets get HB 1108 re-introduced & passed.
Makes me wonder Jared, what those idiots in the gun control groups would do if they had criminals coming after them, & there was no one around that could protect them? Ha ha ha! I think they would sing a different tune for sure! LoL!
I know you talk about the Constitution. What is your views of the right going after voters rights?
"ArmaLite AR-15" NOT Assault Weapon! Jus Say'n (FTR, Jus being Funny)
Sarcasm ON It just occurred to me that there may be a loophole in the 2nd Amendment that the anti-gunners can walk through. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. That is "…free state…" These states may not be free states and do not want the security that a militia can provide. In that case no one needs a gun or any arm. Sarcasm OFF
We need help here in Maryland
Thank you for all you do to keep everyone in the know
Jesus when will Jared realize that there is only 1 way to get your rights back from a tyrannical government.
Wah, my blue state sucks big green donkey di**s and I can't get what the other kids have. Why are my politicians legislating all my rights away? Wah.
I try to catch "crazy Lefty nimrod politician in Texas goes after 2A…" but since Beta O'Dork got pounded into the dirt…still no one here with enough balls to try to play 2A games.
""Cause I'm PROUD to BE a TEXICAN…where at least I know I'm freeeeeee"
I guess Delaware is going Adolf Hitler Biden
Just imagine what it would be like if our forefathers band weapons we would be a nazi regime or all our kin would be dead, just think Biden wouldn't be here either
Thank you for covering Delaware
The law needs to be changed, so that these traitorous law maker are liable for these infringements on our constitutional rights
Thankful for you!
I still want a lawyer to add in their filing that "In passing this law and defending this law, the authors and defenders have violated their Oath's of Office, and therefore have no legal standing to defend this law or put forth justifications to enact further laws this similar effect."
There is no point system or threats to criminals..
Brick by brick
These garbage cans in the state assembly literally said they knew these bills were unconstitutional but it was their “ job” to do something If that ain’t tyranny I don’t know what is
Thank you FPC and SAF
i hope they bring the same suet to NJ and NY and maybe i wont have to cuck an ar15
Fuck Delaware. Fuck Liberals
The courts have already said they can't "ban" semi autos. There is no more debate about this. Any "law" that this illegitimate government tries to pass to such affect will mean absolutely nothing.
To God and COUNTRY and to China Joe ,
Why are unconstitutional bills even allowed? The tyrants that keep writing these should be jailed for a violation of oath
I joined as a plaintive in another hopefully this ban gets lifted soon
From the Democratic state of DE thank you
Hey heads up all your comments were turned off on your last video about "tube you" being put on notice.
When this bill was on the floor for the last time in Leg Hall I sat on zoom for hours to be an "expert witness" on behalf of the Women's Defense Coalition of Delaware and speak about how many women relied on many of the firearms on the ban list as a last ditch effort to speak against the AWB. It was flooring to see that their minds were made up on this and no amount of women fleeing violence and needing their rights made a damn bit of difference. When the president said to pass it and promised millions to states that did… game over. However, considering the bill itself said the accused bears the burden of proof it should be illegal on that alone. smh Good luck to FPC SAI and the DSSA in their lawsuits!
Join my email list:
There is no punishment for violating the Constitution so why not do it.
keep up the dood work
They don't want to Respect the Constitution or the People

Please keep the information and conversation going
Unconstitutional, Scotus already ruled on this. Go after the criminals. Biden has no clue that it won’t keep people safe. Criminals and mentally I’ll don’t follow laws.
If you dont see this as important, then see what is going on in China right now.
Thank you for covering this!
Great video.
Thank you
I’m glad the state is doing this. It forces the state to go to scotus. And they either rule correctly or stack up
For those unaware the California assault weapon ban has been found unconstitutional and have been overturned, as for what happens from here nobody knows yet but as of now it’s overturned.
CHINA NOW HAS POLICE STATION in America they want America disarmed then you no what comes after that.
Good work
Somebody out there please define “ ASSAULT WEAPON!” Remember, a brick can be an assault weapon DEPENDING ON HOW IT IS USED! Don’t let leftist democrat terminology disarm you!!
Ppl of Delaware should doxx the author and supporters of anti 2A legislation.
Get a few disposable phones, program in the numbers, write a script, and pass them around the VFW.
*holds up a blank piece of paper in protest*
We thank you for keeping us informed about all the news and law suits about the 2nd Amendment !
Lets get HB 1108 re-introduced & passed.
Makes me wonder Jared, what those idiots in the gun control groups would do if they had criminals coming after them, & there was no one around that could protect them? Ha ha ha! I think they would sing a different tune for sure! LoL!
I know you talk about the Constitution. What is your views of the right going after voters rights?
"ArmaLite AR-15" NOT Assault Weapon! Jus Say'n
(FTR, Jus being Funny)
Sarcasm ON
It just occurred to me that there may be a loophole in the 2nd Amendment that the anti-gunners can walk through.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That is "…free state…" These states may not be free states and do not want the security that a militia can provide. In that case no one needs a gun or any arm.
Sarcasm OFF
We need help here in Maryland
Thank you for all you do to keep everyone in the know

Jesus when will Jared realize that there is only 1 way to get your rights back from a tyrannical government.
Wah, my blue state sucks big green donkey di**s and I can't get what the other kids have.
Why are my politicians legislating all my rights away? Wah.
I try to catch "crazy Lefty nimrod politician in Texas goes after 2A…" but since Beta O'Dork got pounded into the dirt…still no one here with enough balls to try to play 2A games.
""Cause I'm PROUD to BE a TEXICAN…where at least I know I'm freeeeeee"
I guess Delaware is going Adolf Hitler Biden
Just imagine what it would be like if our forefathers band weapons we would be a nazi regime or all our kin would be dead, just think Biden wouldn't be here either
Thank you for covering Delaware
The law needs to be changed, so that these traitorous law maker are liable for these infringements on our constitutional rights
Thankful for you!
I still want a lawyer to add in their filing that "In passing this law and defending this law, the authors and defenders have violated their Oath's of Office, and therefore have no legal standing to defend this law or put forth justifications to enact further laws this similar effect."
There is no point system or threats to criminals..
Brick by brick
These garbage cans in the state assembly literally said they knew these bills were unconstitutional but it was their “ job” to do something

If that ain’t tyranny I don’t know what is
Thank you FPC and SAF
i hope they bring the same suet to NJ and NY and maybe i wont have to cuck an ar15
Fuck Delaware.
Fuck Liberals
The courts have already said they can't "ban" semi autos. There is no more debate about this. Any "law" that this illegitimate government tries to pass to such affect will mean absolutely nothing.
To God and COUNTRY and to China Joe
Why are unconstitutional bills even allowed? The tyrants that keep writing these should be jailed for a violation of oath
I joined as a plaintive in another hopefully this ban gets lifted soon
From the Democratic state of DE thank you
Hey heads up all your comments were turned off on your last video about "tube you" being put on notice.
When this bill was on the floor for the last time in Leg Hall I sat on zoom for hours to be an "expert witness" on behalf of the Women's Defense Coalition of Delaware and speak about how many women relied on many of the firearms on the ban list as a last ditch effort to speak against the AWB. It was flooring to see that their minds were made up on this and no amount of women fleeing violence and needing their rights made a damn bit of difference. When the president said to pass it and promised millions to states that did… game over. However, considering the bill itself said the accused bears the burden of proof it should be illegal on that alone. smh Good luck to FPC SAI and the DSSA in their lawsuits!