They are now running a Black Friday Sale. Go to https://establishedtitles.com/GARDINER and get an additional 10% off on any …
They are now running a Black Friday Sale. Go to https://establishedtitles.com/GARDINER and get an additional 10% off on any …
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Sadly I can't see myself using Linux Phones possibly ever for the same reason I can't use custom roms… My bank requires the app to function and that thing doesn't even work on custom Android roms :')… If that would be fixed probably easy switch for me.
Congratulations on getting a sponsor! This seems like the first time I've seen one on your channel
I would love if my next phone was a linux phone. Unfortunately however, living in Sweden, it's near impossible to rely on anything outside of the Android or IOS ecosystem since crucial societal services are built solely for these platforms. I require either Android or IOS for local transportation (there is no cash-alternatives), digital identification (banking, healthcare, taxes, digital postage), heck even my router is ONLY configurable through an Android or IOS app. For Linux phones to work, they must be able to offer at least a sandboxed environment for the google play store, or at least being able to install apks to a sandboxed environment.
Thanks for the video. I don’t really have anything to hide. If they watch me they will probably get board really fast plus I post most everything up to YouTube on my channel. Again thank you for the video I will look into it the more I use Linux the more I like it.
We just need laws banning the practice of spying on me from my computer…. Make it a crime to collect and store information taken from a persons computer even with consent and then profit from that data in anyway… It's really no different then pointing a laser at my windows to record conversations in my house. I still can't believe people use smart speakers….
issue is these 2 phone are very under powered devices and it more so is an issue with the Librem 5 USA which is $2000 USD. It has specs worth a 10th that price so it is deff not mainsteam ready. and the PinePhone is $200 for the one anyone should buy. It is also very low specs with only 3gb ram and 32gb storage in 2022.
I love how I just searched for Pinephone Pro in 2022 and this immediately popped up, 10 min after release. Sometimes you gotta love the interest-based search results.
I decided many years ago that I will never use a smartphone.
Windows Phone was realy the best OS . No matter what you think about Microsoft, Windows phone was the most thought through mobile OS among Android, IOS and Windows Phone.
Android is Linux*