Xbox Series X Controller + 1TB Expansion Card Hands-On

Hands on with the new Xbox Series X controller and 1TB storage expansion card. Subscribe – …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. lit ep i tried pc gaming again but it cant even run gta 5 on max settings fuck it ill keep my pc but be on the xbox series x 4 the time being for most of my gaming

  2. Because my controllers buttons are not slushy there clickable and almost like the Xbox 360 controller I got mine from Microsoft store Walmart doesn’t take care of them neither does Best Buy Mabie sams target and Microsoft is the better choice if anyone has had history with controllers from different store please give me your oppions which store have the best working controllers

  3. The a button and x button and b and y buttons are much better then the Xbox one controllers and those that said there slushy you got a broken Xbox series s or x controller

  4. External Batteries will ALWAYS be approved by me just because it has grown on people since 360 and it's just satisfying to keep the new batteries 😂

  5. PlayStation controllers get broken over years, the amount of money you spend on Xbox controller batteries is just a half of money you spend on new PS controller

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