"Well it's for professionals, and if you don't have one, well I guess you're not a pro, then." -Tim Cook, probably.
The guy on the right is a sharper dresser.
What does the new one do "it does the uhhh same uhh" This intro goes with every apple product out there
Great video as always, always like seeing the twin. I'm an Architect who uses advanced 3D modeling and AR in the field, and certain programs only run well on the iPad Pro. Even the new iPad Air with M1 isn't enough to cut it sometimes when working with point clouds and the like.
God damn the Damascus skin
i literally use my iPad pro to watch YouTube. I'm the person who just wants the best version of something.
Funny intro…then I saw the t-shirt. Oof.
The Hower feature was introduced in my samsung galaxy note 2 a decade ago . Funny apple
I don't know why apple doing this " Idiotic" bcs when you polish you blade so much it breaks easily…..Apple is Way ahead powerful enough to Handle anything but still why Apple doing this just to get More Profit…damn they are So greedy Lol
PRO = PPL helping apple to pay their bills
I only have an M1 iPad Pro because I got a sick ass deal for it, it’s an amazing device for sure. But I would never pay full price for the newest one, it doesn’t make sense when the last couple generations are still very capable machines. I would have bought the 10th gen ipad in a heartbeat if it used the 2nd gen Apple Pencil, still confusing confused on that design choice.
pro means more money
Ah yes, the marques brownlee and mark ass brownie collab
What's difference between iPad and a laptop
That smug look from twin Marques was top notch
Id love to think that the release of the M2 meant that the M1 would drop in price. But we all know that's not Apples M.O. Lol
the reason to release the new M2 iPad Pro is so retailers can discount the M1 ipad pro like crazy and clear the inventories. I'd be surprised if they made a lot of the M2. It just exists to sell the older model.
5th Gen pro 12.9” is on sale for $799 now. Last years model. Wonder if it’s worth it ?
Why not put FaceTime cameras at the long AND short edges?
PRO…Price Ridiculously Outlandish (as Apple takes my money).
Ipad is pretty much stagnated at this point. It failed to replace a computer
This iPad release feels a lot like the Watch 7… kinda like “why bother?”
The Pro on my iPad Pro 12.9 2018 means I’m software locked out of using a second screen.
We lawyers are buying the 12.9 pros a lot because it's better for liquidtext, multiple docs easy to read. But its an overkill. If there was a 12.9 air that would do absolutely fine. The pro is pointless
The twin gives me old Angry Video Game Nerd vibes.
This hardware really highlights how crippled it is by not having full macos.
6:25 I can think of someone at my school that falls under that category, ok, I have $3500 I’m my wallet, I am only in high school and I need a 16” MacBook Pro and everyone else gets chromebooks I only have $200 but I want to buy the new MacBook Air, although I could spend Only half on the iPad Air that got announced in March
As a Product Manager, you really bent me over here. I like to think that I’m a “pro” but when I think about how hard I try to imagine how much I would have to bend my workflow… I’m absolutely in your “enthusiast” category and you’re right. I can’t deny that.
I want so badly for the iPad Pro to be more than it is!
Sticky iPad kid
I just have the iPad Pro 4th gen. Still loving it all these years latter. I just watch YouTube on mine XD. It was the 1st iPad without a home button. They had me in their pocket. But since then all these upgrades have been small. If Apple did an OLED or something that could convince me to upgrade.
You are the best marques
NOPE. I hate this format on The Verge and I hate it here.
I think most people will miss the point of why this updated model came out. If you were looking to buy an iPad pro, and you were willing to pay whatever the highest model costs because to you the potential use out of it justifies the cost, then you will be thrilled that this update came out and you got that little bit more performance and future proofing out of your purchase. Would you rather apple just not upgrade the tablet at all for 5+ years? Until a newer model had more than just a few upgrades in it?
"Well it's for professionals, and if you don't have one, well I guess you're not a pro, then." -Tim Cook, probably.
The guy on the right is a sharper dresser.
What does the new one do
This intro goes with every apple product out there
"it does the uhhh same uhh"
Great video as always, always like seeing the twin. I'm an Architect who uses advanced 3D modeling and AR in the field, and certain programs only run well on the iPad Pro. Even the new iPad Air with M1 isn't enough to cut it sometimes when working with point clouds and the like.
God damn the Damascus skin

i literally use my iPad pro to watch YouTube. I'm the person who just wants the best version of something.
Funny intro…then I saw the t-shirt.
The Hower feature was introduced in my samsung galaxy note 2 a decade ago . Funny apple
I don't know why apple doing this " Idiotic" bcs when you polish you blade so much it breaks easily…..Apple is Way ahead powerful enough to Handle anything but still why Apple doing this just to get More Profit…damn they are So greedy Lol
PRO = PPL helping apple to pay their bills
I only have an M1 iPad Pro because I got a sick ass deal for it, it’s an amazing device for sure. But I would never pay full price for the newest one, it doesn’t make sense when the last couple generations are still very capable machines. I would have bought the 10th gen ipad in a heartbeat if it used the 2nd gen Apple Pencil, still confusing confused on that design choice.
pro means more money
Ah yes, the marques brownlee and mark ass brownie collab
What's difference between iPad and a laptop
That smug look from twin Marques was top notch
Id love to think that the release of the M2 meant that the M1 would drop in price.
But we all know that's not Apples M.O.
the reason to release the new M2 iPad Pro is so retailers can discount the M1 ipad pro like crazy and clear the inventories. I'd be surprised if they made a lot of the M2. It just exists to sell the older model.
5th Gen pro 12.9” is on sale for $799 now. Last years model. Wonder if it’s worth it ?
Why not put FaceTime cameras at the long AND short edges?
PRO…Price Ridiculously Outlandish (as Apple takes my money).
Ipad is pretty much stagnated at this point. It failed to replace a computer
This iPad release feels a lot like the Watch 7… kinda like “why bother?”
The Pro on my iPad Pro 12.9 2018 means I’m software locked out of using a second screen.
We lawyers are buying the 12.9 pros a lot because it's better for liquidtext, multiple docs easy to read. But its an overkill. If there was a 12.9 air that would do absolutely fine. The pro is pointless
5:50 PRO means MONEY.
The twin gives me old Angry Video Game Nerd vibes.
This hardware really highlights how crippled it is by not having full macos.
6:25 I can think of someone at my school that falls under that category, ok, I have $3500 I’m my wallet, I am only in high school and I need a 16” MacBook Pro and everyone else gets chromebooks
I only have $200 but I want to buy the new MacBook Air, although I could spend
Only half on the iPad Air that got announced in March
3:29 Marques is promoting FILMIC Pro
As a Product Manager, you really bent me over here. I like to think that I’m a “pro” but when I think about how hard I try to imagine how much I would have to bend my workflow… I’m absolutely in your “enthusiast” category and you’re right. I can’t deny that.
I want so badly for the iPad Pro to be more than it is!
Sticky iPad kid
I just have the iPad Pro 4th gen. Still loving it all these years latter. I just watch YouTube on mine XD. It was the 1st iPad without a home button. They had me in their pocket. But since then all these upgrades have been small. If Apple did an OLED or something that could convince me to upgrade.
You are the best marques
NOPE. I hate this format on The Verge and I hate it here.
I think most people will miss the point of why this updated model came out. If you were looking to buy an iPad pro, and you were willing to pay whatever the highest model costs because to you the potential use out of it justifies the cost, then you will be thrilled that this update came out and you got that little bit more performance and future proofing out of your purchase. Would you rather apple just not upgrade the tablet at all for 5+ years? Until a newer model had more than just a few upgrades in it?